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GOMAD or not?


New member

Wondering if I should do GOMAD (Gallon of milk a day).
I'm 18 years old, 174cm tall and I weight 55 kg. I dont think I'm growing anymore so I'm not sure if its still aimed towards me although I'm still a teenager. My goal weight is 70kg. I don't mind if I gain a bit of fat but I don't want a heap of it. I go to the gym 4 times a week.

So yeah just seeing opinions on whether I should do it for a couple of months.

Just make sure you're not lactose intolerant when you start it... and build up to the 4L a day if you are going to do it (1L a day for the first week, 2L a day for the next week etc) Otherwise your stomach might not be able to cope!
Just make sure you're not lactose intolerant when you start it... and build up to the 4L a day if you are going to do it (1L a day for the first week, 2L a day for the next week etc) Otherwise your stomach might not be able to cope!

X2 as with exercise food intake should asle be progressive
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#8 is worth noting... a common GOMAD mistake is not squatting!! What are you doing at the gym? If it's all bench presses and bicep curls then even GOMAD may not help you gain muscle mass.

I do bicep curls, bench, dips, pull ups, deadlift, fairly light squats, lunges and most of the other common exercises. I drank 2L of milk yesterday and today pretty easily while still eating normal meals, so I will take it up to 3L next week.
dont bother with the milk if your not squatting heavy 3 times a week.

Okay, Ill have to do heavy squats on chest, back and leg days. What should I be starting on with my current body weight?

PS: The Gym I go to only has a smith machine for squats, even though the stronglifts 5x5 site says to use regular squats instead do you think it would still work alright.
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pick a weight u can do 10 reps with and do 20 (breathing style once you start to struggle)

i dont like using smith machine for squats as the bar only travels directly up and down. plus it does not work your core/stabiliser muscles

find a new gym
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start with the 20kg and add 2.5kg each time you squat. 3x5. remember to go deep, no quarter squats.
Dont go from no milk to 4lt of milk a day, work up to 4lts over a period of say 10 days, so your gut can adjust itself

Otherwise your intestines are going to feel like they have grenades going off inside them and you'll be cronic farting.

Ive been there and done that

Good advice.
pick a weight u can do 10 reps with and do 20 (breathing style once you start to struggle)

i dont like using smith machine for squats as the bar only travels directly up and down. plus it does not work your core/stabiliser muscles

find a new gym

Let's get one thing straight here the smith is basically a leg press machine the idea of machines making one travel in a certain direction not using the "stabilizer muscle is flawed- sure the barbell relies on you to keep the bar in place, this can be counter productive depending on what you want to do.

The issue with the smith is that it can kill you if you are using more than half your weight - it's only got one way to go if you lose control and that's straight down folding you in two.
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5 Months left on my membership and I cant afford to change gyms. I want to keep going with the milk and can do all the other exercises. Can I just do a combo of leg and core exercises to substitute for squats or is there no point. thanks
You're 18 you have plenty of time.

Use the 5 months, work hard, work safe.
Use strict form.
Use Progressive resistance.

Learn how to squat.
Start with body-weight- practice practice practice.

Squats are key to any template.
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not sure what you're trying to say. it all sounds a bit vague.

smith squats are not a substitute for bb squats
with bb squats the bar does not travel directly up and down nor should it

lets see you use your 1rm for smith squat with a normal full depth bb squat. good luck

if you die squatting in the smith machine you deserve it.
if you cant lock out the squat why not turn the bar and lock it on the pins.
Back on the topic of GOMAD, has anybody here actually done it?
I'm drinking 2l a day ATM, and on my current diet, gone from 69kg to 80.5 (first thing in the morning).
I'm keen to give this GOMAD a red hot go, but have 2 questions.

1. How long does one gomad? 21days? A month? Or untill you reach your desired mass?

2. What other dietry requirments are there? You must have to up intake o. Stufnlike fruit and veggies to deal with all the milk, right?

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