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Heavy Metals in Protein Powder


New member
I just came across this on another site. A study done on protein powders indicated some had harmful levels of heavy metals in them. These all seem to be American companies so I'm not sure where they source their protein. Obviously we won't stop using protein powders solely for the fact that they're so convenient, but just thought I'd put it out there for discussion:

Protein Drinks: Consumer Reports
I was going to post this but i wasnt sure of the validity of the findings...

Because i cant find how the tests were conductedect, how they came to these reulsts and the all the actual test data ect the links keep sending me in a loop...

Muscle milk is sitting at 13.5ug/dl per 3 servings (1 serving would be what 25g? Genrally 1 scoop) how many people add 2-3 scoops and have multiple times day..

No one knows what the **** goes into our food these days, unflavoured unsweetend is always the best to go..
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I figured you might have seen it already. Was interested to hear your response. I think I remember Fadi saying he wouldn't buy from a particular bulk supplier as they used American Whey and I was wondering if it had anything to do with impurities of their powder.
I dont know if it is the impurites of they whey itself or addatives they use.

I havent actually looked into any of it as like i said unflavoured is fine for me.. Add raw cacoa powder and 3 drops of stevia a bannana and its fine you have a more nutritious less damaging product especially i nregards to aspartame sachrin and flavours and now lead and heavy metals??

Keep it basic its also cheaper as well..
Honestly tho some of these products have been around for years - if there was real problems with them they would of been taken off the shelves.

I think at one point syntha 6 was the biggest selling protein and also muscle milk was ....in the world.

Not saying these studies aren't true but sometimes you have to think where are they coming from...

Of course thats why you look into it then asses the data... I know nothing of the company.. But if any indication of it is true then it is enough for me to steer clear. Ciggarettes have been around for a long time but they are fine..

the FDA in america does not give a **** about anyones health. They have been quoted to say "it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure their product is safe" Manufacturers have said "it is the fda's responsibility to test and make sure these products are safe for human consumption"

Looks like no one is regulating anyone... Half the people on the board of the fda are coke cola executives/ oil company / pharmacutical heads nutra sweet executives ect.. When you find out the big picture the idea is to stay in business.
Anybody can look for anything in any product and come up with a point of view.

Ever since the cardio/weights experiment that turned an entire race into fat slobs, I choose to ignore lab coats.

as Joel said, I'm f u c k e d as well lol
Anybody can look for anything in any product and come up with a point of view.

Ever since the cardio/weights experiment that turned an entire race into fat slobs, I choose to ignore lab coats.

as Joel said, I'm f u c k e d as well lol

Of course, but it is rellivent to everyones choice of lifestyle.. If you dont care about disease and sickness then smoke and drink alcohol... The same is said for many other things.

At least infomation is there for people to make informed decisions from.. otherwise we would all still be drinking from lead pipes and putting murcury in our heads.. oh wait the idiots still do that?

Ignorantly bliss doesnt allways work... well it does until something ****s up.
For the record, I'm 48, havent had a cold or flu since anyone can remember, I know I have lived at my current home for 10 years and certainly never been sick in that time.

I think I have so many nastys in my system that it scares all the colds/flus/diseases that my clients/friends seem to get.

Christian, your argument for cigarettes is typical lab coat. We know its bad because we see people dying from it, my dad for instance. He never had one protein drink in his life though.

Its funny to hear 20 year olds talking about this stuff. Thats why whatever Silverback says holds MUCH credibility (except for his view on box squats lol)

You wont die from taking PP, you wont even get sick.

Thats not my point.. No one is dropping dead tomorrow. But years of constant exposure to toxins and bad diet = bad health.. Just look at my uncle he has multiple myloma. Doesnt eat salad eats that yellow kraft cheese is a painter by trade so played with lead based paint all his life now he is about to die.

There are plenty of sick people out there and they all wonder why...

Thank god for your good health markos but i dont think you smoke or drink and you eat properly from what i recall.

Its not about being a labcoat its about using common sense... We arnt supposed toconsume heavy metals we arnt supposed to smoke plants poison ourselves with alcohol ect add poisons and preservatives to food.
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I think you would have to have ALOT ALOT of this protein for years for it maybe to have any effect on you.

Iam sure eating a maccas burger is alot worse for you than having a serve of muscle milk tho.
Now I'm doubly f u c k e d .

Christian, I eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. I'm lucky in that ALL calories are good for me.

I normally wash down double quarters with protein drinks lol
I think you would have to have ALOT ALOT of this protein for years for it maybe to have any effect on you.

Iam sure eating a maccas burger is alot worse for you than having a serve of muscle milk tho.

I dont know i cant say..

The problem is lifestyle... If you have a good lifestyle you can afford to **** up hear and there. Its when people dont give a shit about anything and eat crap for a long time that food ****s them. Go to westfield and have a look around the evidence is everywhere... Problem is not everyones bodies are the same and not everyone diets' genes are the same. For alot of things there is not a 1 size fits all and thats the problem there are too many variables to determine who something will affect and who it wont.

Everything slowly beats down your system and we all die.. The idea it to prolong this from happening and not so much for quantity of life but quality. If muscle milk is the only thing you ave im sure your not going to devleop a brain tumour tomorrow. But it is all infomation you can take on board. **** ignorance it gets us no where. FYI markos im not going to be a lab coat im going to be a nutritionist/naturopath.
Now I'm doubly f u c k e d .

Christian, I eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. I'm lucky in that ALL calories are good for me.

I normally wash down double quarters with protein drinks lol

After last nights session I'm convinced your inside are simply too toxic for anything to damage them.

Definately something seriously wrong with you.
You'll be wearing a coat somewhere along the line Christian lol

Howie is a naturopath. He was puzzled my health/eating/weight. He conducted a serious of tests and was blown away lol. He asked if I ate a lot of pineapple, thats how complete the testing was lol

I feel like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable.

I'll probably get run over tomorrow lol


Ill wear a coat just for you at the nats hows that? Lol.

Perhaps you are genetically superior to everyone else markos

Im sure you dont reccomend your eatinghabbits to your clients though as everyone is different..

THe infomation i present is for people who want to live longer happier healthier whatever the same as you do.. We just go about it different ways.

As we both know not every one has the same genetics, habits health issues...
Honestly tho some of these products have been around for years - if there was real problems with them they would of been taken off the shelves.
Margarine has been around since WWII when there was a shortage of butter back then and it's a cancer causing product par excellence! Who would you expect to take the bad stuff off the shelves? I have no faith in anyone or any organisation, or any government (or government body) whose interest lies in their hip pocket, period.

Step back a little and perchance you may see the Mona Lisa with all its glory, for now you're so close to the canvas that your interpretation of it is possibly blurred and out of focus.

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Low insaturated fat has the heart tick of approval..

But its mainly trans fat? From what i understand it is 1 molecule away form being plastic...

No one cares about us Fadi i agree. Eat the way we were intended and you cant go wrong... Humans were not made to consume 951 950 920 394 529 chemical numbers and other rubbish... it all comes down to $$$.

I try to spread good health.. Its not for everyone but the infomation is there for those who want to accept and embrace it.