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Help . Is this to much


New member
Hi can u give advice on this. Am I training to much and what should I change if so

hi guys , just wanted to know what you guys think and if i'm over trainning

Barbell Curls
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
EZY Bar Curls
Concentration Curls
Seated Cable Row
T bar cable row
Lat Pull Down
push ups
40 Cardio

Leg Press
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Calf Raises
Total Abs
Ab Crunches
Bosu pushups
40 min cardio

Wide Grip Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Decline Barbell Press
incline barbell press
Dumbbell Flys (chest)
Skull crushers
rope pulldowns
40Min Cardio

Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curl
Forehands Barbell Curls
Alt. Dumbbell Curls
Preacher Curls
Concentration Curls
40 Min Cardio

Dumbbell Shrug
Smith Machine Upright Row
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Machine Shoulder (Military)
Seated Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly
Dumbbell Reverse Fly On Incline Bench
Seated Triceps ext
Triceps Pushdown
pullups(chin ups)
40 min cardio

Sat and sun rest days

I do 4sets of 8 reps and depending on how hard i worked my legs i might skipp cardio on wednesdays

i trying to cut 12 kgs off and build muscle

I do my workout first then 40 min Cardio which is 20 min on treadmill which I stick to hitting 170 heart rate and the allow it to drop to 140 heart rate and the bringing it back up to 170 by walking and running , that's followed by 20 min on a bike and keeping my heart rate to 150 to 160

I take Hydroxycut on my days on and 4 protein shakes ( 1) 30min before, 1 right after my workout , 1 between lunch and dinner , then 1 before bed time ) now I've been told that 40 min Cardio is to much
Yes, that is too much. It's not an issue of "overtraining", simply that you can put a lot of effort into a few exercises, or a small effort into many exercises. Big effort gives big results, small effort small results. You're spreading yourself thin. See the thread, Beginners, look here! for better routines and approaches.

You don't need protein powder, you need food.

Bin the hydroxycut, it is a dangerous poison which will do you harm.
You do more bicep work then back work. That program is full of problems. You are aware your back is bigger than your biceps right?

Can you explain what benefits you have concluded from doing this program?

Get off the treadmill and get into squatting, deadlifting, barbell complexes and sprints to lose the weight.

Too many shakes. Can you post your diet?
That is one of the worst "programs" I have ever seen. Two bicep days?! Where do you even find something like this.

As said, lose the biceptorama program and pick up a full body 3x week tried and tested muscle building template like Starting Strength or Marko or Fadi's beginner program. Lift heavy, grow big.
Ok what about this workout i found this on body building .com . AS for writting my own i think ill give myself more time before writting one again but i was thinking of doing 4set of 8 reps instead or should i stick to the reps and sets on this


Bicep Barbell Curl
Tricep Pressdown -
Bicep Preacher Curl -
Tricep Rope Press -
Bicep Hammer Curls -
Tricep Extension -
Bicep Concentration Curls -

Squat - (15-10-8-6-4)
Glute Kickback - (12-10-8-6)
Leg Extension - (12-10-8-6)
Leg Curl - (12-10-8-6)
Calf Raise - (12-10-8-6) Reps

Bench Press - (15-10-8-6-4) Reps

Flyes - (12-10-8-6) Reps
Incline Press - (12-10-8-6) Reps
Decline Press - (12-10-8-6) Reps

EXERCISE Bent-Over Rows - (15-12-10-8-6) Reps
Lat Pulldown - (12-10-8-6) Reps
Seated Row - (12-10-8-6) Reps

Low Row - (12-10-8-6) Reps

Low Back Extension - (9-9-9-9) Reps


Shoulder Press - (15-12-10-8-6) Reps
Shrugs - (15-12-10-8-6) Reps
Shoulder Lateral Raises - (12-10-8-6) Reps
Upright Row - (12-10-8-6)
Reverse Flyes - (12-10-8-6) Reps


Bicep Barbell Curl
Tricep Pressdown -
Bicep Preacher Curl -
Tricep Rope Press -
Bicep Hammer Curls -
Tricep Extension -
Bicep Concentration Curls -

Hmmmm, you press the rope attachment overhead, am I interpreting this correctly? Why didn't I ever think of that?

You get zero tension from lifting from the high pulley rather than pulling down, so you'd need one heavy-ass rope attachment. You've also got a severely compromised ROM.

Apart from that I can't fault it.
dude I shit you not it wasn't noobs I just drilled him about it. theyre probably from the same provider.
[11/29/10 21:13:24 ] Oliver : you trolled
[11/29/10 21:13:26 ] Oliver : i saw
[11/29/10 21:13:29 ] Oliver : lulz
[11/29/10 21:13:33 ] SPNH : where did i?
[11/29/10 21:13:38 ] Oliver : seriously
[11/29/10 21:13:42 ] Oliver : was that not you?
[11/29/10 21:13:44 ] Oliver : no fucking way
[11/29/10 21:13:45 ] Oliver : LOL
[11/29/10 21:13:48 ] SPNH : who?
[11/29/10 21:13:58 ] SPNH : shrek is tleling me i have 2 accounts
[11/29/10 21:14:04 ] SPNH : and i dont know wtf he is tlaking about
[11/29/10 21:14:08 ] Oliver : dude, you want to tell me that the 'aussienoobs' account wasnt yours?
[11/29/10 21:14:16 ] SPNH : swear on my parents grave
[11/29/10 21:14:24 ] Oliver : dude, hes full on banned that guy
[11/29/10 21:14:25 ] Oliver : lulz
[11/29/10 21:14:33 ] SPNH : he has the same ip as me apparently
[11/29/10 21:14:36 ] SPNH : and it isnt me