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I need your opinion


New member
hey all

I'm going to join a gym and start stronglifts 5x5 in 4 weeks.
I have been working out for around 2 months using a york bench and dumbells and happy with results im seeing so far.
I have been doing dumbell rows,upright rows, bench press, dumbell flies, lateral raise, front raise, bicep curls, tricep pulls all 3sets 12 reps increasing weight gradually.
Now since I'm going to be doing stronglifts 5x5 in 4 weeks ive decided to change my workout plan untill i can use the gym and it goes somrthing like this Lateral raise, Bicep curls, reverse crunches one day, bench press, push ups, prone bridges other day, 5x5 or 3xf.
Is this workout sufficient enuff until i get into a gym or should i stick with my original workout? I have seen really good results so far but think i need a change..? also is stronglifts 5x5 right for me?

Please only give me your sure go opinions
If you can do with no weights just your own body,
  • 50x pushups
  • 50x situps
  • 50x prone pullups
  • 50x squats
  • a 3km jog without stopping
then you are strong and fit enough to start with some serious free weights, including a 5x5 programme.

Is 5x5 right for you? Dunno, will you enjoy it? The best workout is one you stick to. When you're a beginner, you just need to lift heaps of iron, exactly what programme you have isn't that big a deal.