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Nervous about joining the gym

Everyone has to start somewhere. Remember.....everyone in that gym has had "that first day" in the gym.
Katie I had some similar reservations to you but I joined a Gym (19.95 per month, really good gym too) and have had no problems. Everyone understands that you have to start somewhere. Also as metioned previously 96% of people will mind their business and those who do talk are mostly offering advice.

The gym is a strange place, I think you'll quickly find yourself addicted.
The thing is, I'm training like mad towards the City to Surf in Aug (want to run 14km < 100 mins) so ideally I would join up in August.

Yes, I've signed up for some pain too. Best I've done is 11km in 69mins but this "Heartbreak Hill" has got me worried. If we can keep it under 100min we're laughing as next year we get green bibs!

Best of luck in training!
Thanks! I've got a 10k fun run this Sunday (Hunter Valley 10km) so will be interesting to see my time and extrapolate it to 14km.

Unfortunately, the combination of a sprained ankle and the flu has set me back a bit. Did the Bay run (7km) last weekend and was dismayed at how much walking I had to do!

Don't worry about the walking, as long as you're still moving and complete the thing, that's what counts. But yeah, running crook is not fun. Bad gas + running /= improved pace.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Remember.....everyone in that gym has had "that first day" in the gym.

that's a very good point.
Shyness, fear, anxiety and other bladder stimulating feelings come into place on the first day. But after a week or so, it should be fine.
man...i'm only paying $7.50 a week, i suppose thats because i'm a student and as such got a massive discount.

i had the same fears/insecurities when i first started gymming but i quickly fitted in and figured out no one really cares how much you lift. nowdays i fit into the muscular but not bodybuilder category which is where i want to be.

when i was working up north i went to the gyms at camp pretty confident with my body and how mych i lift...anyway i enter and there are these massive guys pumping iron and it was like i went to the gym for the first time as i felt all skinny and weak....but as soon as you start working out you forget about all that and do your workout

which gym in Perth are u going to man?...
^^I'm guessing that's a uni student rate or a uni gym...

My uni membership cost me $400 per year upfront, can't get that rate anymore now that I'm working!!

Anyway, I'm hoping to get hubby into BB too and he has agreed to set up a home gym! yay! so for the price of joining FF for 1 year (ie. $17 x 52 + $100 = almost $1000), we are going to set up a home gym. We have barbells and dumbbells already, just looking into power racks now! And I'm sure I'll get a lot more use out of it than 1 year.
Don't worry about the walking, as long as you're still moving and complete the thing, that's what counts. But yeah, running crook is not fun. Bad gas + running /= improved pace.

Thanks for the running tips. Had practically no training due to being sick, but on Sunday I ran 10km < 70 mins which I'm pretty happy about. Should be on track to squeeze in under 100 mins at the C2S assuming I do a bit of training in the next 3 weeks!