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training/weight lifting while sick/flu


New member
yes or no?

i am currently coming down with the flu - i was meant to work out tomorrow but im not sure....

any help is great thanks
Chances are you are sick from overtraining, so training more while you are sick is probably not a good idea. How many days a week do you train and for how long? What is your diet like? Do you get enough sleep?

I'd be resting and getting all the above things up to scratch, and not worry about training until I'm well again.
If your sick enough to not work then your sick enough to not train. The fact you are asking us if you should tells me your not sick enough. Go and workout I say it wont kill you and you only workout 3 days a week so you will recover in your off days in no time.
Have a rest. More than likely it's a common cold, the influenza virus is rarer and often involves hospitalization.
have a few days off and keep the liquids up.
Have a rest. More than likely it's a common cold, the influenza virus is rarer and often involves hospitalization.
have a few days off and keep the liquids up.

I have never had a patient admitted who had the flu, pneumonia, yes.

My advice is to rest up, drink plenty of fluids and eat heaps of different types of fruit. You'll bounce back quicker that way.
I know of a few people who have been admitted with the flu, admittedly they were elderly.
I just think people should not make self diagnosis and think they have the flu when more often than not it isn't.
Do the math. If you workout 3 days a week that's about 150 workouts a year. Missing 1 workout because of being sick isn't going to kill your progress.

You're not going to look back in September and say "Gee my chest isnt as big as it could have been cause I missed that workout in early Feb".

Yes, but if you are asking the question should i do it or not id say that means he has the energy/will to do it and byt not doing it it could have knock on effects. In other words you may miss one day cause your sick then the next scheduled workout it wil be missed cause your too tired then the next cause you gotta see your friends then a new movie came out and the cycle goes on until u look back and you say hell i havent been working out for 3 months why the hell do still have this gym membership!
if you're doing weight training, most likely going will just dissapoint you. Working out while ill leads to noobie lifts cause of lack of energy.

Then I'd argue if missing one workout because of sickness causes that scenario then the trainee wasn't dedicated to begin with.

Training through the years is never going to go to plan. You are going to get the flu or the girlfriend is going to start banging some guy at her workplace and leave you. You go on holiday for 2 weeks or you have a wedding on the weekend.

At some point you're going to have to workout around your life and you're planning to fail if you can't be flexible enough to roll with that. If just one sick day finishes you then were never going to be successful. Because if it wasn't the sick day it would have been something else.