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What Bulk Diet?


New member

I have been going to the gym for a few months now but Im not sure what I should be eating lots of to gain muscle mass.

I'm 65kg at 179cm and I want to get up to around 80kg.

I've tryed just eating as much as I can but I seem to just make myself sick. I think I need a plan so I can stick to it rather then just trying to wing it. Can anyone point me towards a good one for getting to my goal or give me some ammounts I should be aiming at each day.

I can pretty much stomach anything and I don't mind about the pricing although I'm a cruddy cook so nothing too hard to prepare .

Tell me if you need anymore info.


p.s. I'm not too concerned about gaining a little fat with it.
Increasing a poor diets food intake while adding claories to support mass building will also make you (as you stated) feel like shit..

Was is your current diet.
I read the 20 tips and I'll keep them in mind.

Increasing a poor diets food intake while adding claories to support mass building will also make you (as you stated) feel like shit..

Was is your current diet.

I don't think my diet is unhealthy, although its not very varied. I have chicken, rice, fruits, oats and nuts and a few other things although I'm alergic to a couple so I cant have them.

I can record everything I eat tomorrow and post it up here tomorrow night.

How do you actualy find out the calorie content in foods. Not many things I eat actualy show it.

I really want a meal plan to stick to though so I can make sure I'm actualy getting enough nutrition and such.


I personally dont count calories i jsut listen to my body, but this can be a hard thing to do...

It mightbe a good diet it might not, Im sure i can find something wrong with it
Fadi has posted quite a few meal plans.
I think 2200, 2800,3200,4000 and 16400 calories from memory?

He also have a thread on building a healthy foundation.
I think everyone should read it. There is no point being strong or looking muscular if you're heading to an early grave due to bulking on chicken and milk and nothing else.

A wise man once showed me the below when it comes to estimating your caloric intakes which you can use to determine which of Fadi's meal plans is best for you.
I believe he suggests only increasing by a few hundred calories a day to minimise fat gain.

To lose fat: 12-13 cal / lb of bodyweight.
To maintain: 15-16 cal / lb of bodyweight.
To gain: 18-20 cal / lb of bodyweight.

My personal advice is that you should eat a HEALTHY diet and just more of it.
I assume you're already havig 6 or so meals during the day as well.
I also don't think going all out and being strong and fat is a good healthy option.
Some people might not agree, but shifting fat is a million times harder than putting it on so once you get muscular and fat you will need to put in a lot of hard work so people realise you're muscular and not just fat...

Also just to bring up something you might come across if googling a bulking diet, this gallon of milk a day stuff is, in mine and many others opinions, quite stupid.
I strongly suggest you avoid falling into the GOMAD hype.
It will make you bigger in one way or another but it most certainly does not fall into the healthy diet category.

That's just my opinion, plus some others opinions thrown in for good measure