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Workout Diet Help


New member
Starting out at the gym again after 2 years off... Gained 17Kilos in that time (the bad kind). Went from 80 and good definition to 97 and and a beer gut.

I've bee working out for about 2 months and haven't lost any weight, my lifts have increased alot, so I figure I'm loosing fat and gaining Muscle, but I'd like to speed it up a bit.

So I need my memory jogged about it all!

This is what I have been doing for the last couple months, maybe you can identify some weak spots.

something decent, maybe a bowl of meaty soup. Or 3 pieces of toast with Vegemite on em, or Oats w/milk and brown sugar (not alot of either, but a bit).

Workout early AM

Post workout feed:
a couple of boiled eggs or a can of tuna in springwater.

I eat it in about 2-3 sittings from 10:30 - 3 or so.
2 sandwiches w/ tuna mayo and tomato or lunch meat mayo and tomato
a carrot, grapes, small tub of yoghurt, 10 almonds, sometimes an apple and a small sweet like an red frog or 2 pieces of choc (My wife making these lunches is the best thing about being married!).

Pretty big dinners I guess, whatever gets cooked, but usually pasta or rice based. Maybe 500g.

I just got Protein powder, and am looking to substitute some of this out for a protein shake or two.

I guess when I write it all down that is alot of food, but its all healthy as hell, and I don't like going hungry!
Its pretty simple really, eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Eat the same as you burn and you will stay the same. Eat more than you burn and you will get heavier.

From a weightloss perspective, there is no such thing as "healthy" food, just calories.

What you need to do is work out how many calories you eat on average now, that is your maintenance (since you are not changing weight). Then start by eating 200 calories less every day (or ~1500 less per week, whatever is convenient for you) and see how it goes.

Reduce or increase calories as required from there. Aim for 0.5kg weightloss / week.

All this assumes you are happy with your current level of activity. You can try increase how much you burn, but its a lot easier to eat a little less... 30min on a stationary bike = 1 glass of milk...
Just looking at that sample diet, you might be a little low on daily protein.

need to figure that out also.
they are complete of steel and lecithin, which is essential for mind health, Prevent caffeinated drinks and other motivators, Restrict milk products and red beef...