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How to deload?

Alpha Moth

New member
I'm on a SS variant at the moment
OH/bench alternating
chin up

oh/bench alt.

oh/bench alt.
pull ups

I've been doing this program around nearly 4 months now
lifts have gone
40kg>110kg (1 rep is around 125kg)
30kg >52.5kg
40kg > 60kg

pull ups
7 or so > 25 now 8 + 10kg
chin ups around the same

I've stalled around 2-3 times on my OH, bench and squat. My OH has stayed at 52.5kg, usually can only get 2 sets done then fail on the last set. same with squat.. bench i've done it but i failed on 62.5kg (LOL i know. my weakest lift, my upper body isn't huge ..yet)

How do I actually deload? I don't know how. I'm also going to start eating more to help recovery too... weight hasn't gone up much but size definitely has.
If you want to stay on SS for a bit longer and you are stalling try going down to about 90kg (squat) 40kg (bench) and 35kg (mp) and work your way back up as usual. If you want to go another method take a week off going heavy and just do the lifts i suggested above and then try upping your volume as in 5x5 or 3x8. Give that a go. See how you progress. Most importantly you should probably increase your food intake to promote recovery and growth, how is your eating?
Posted via Mobile Device
You don't need to deload on starting strength.

If a lift stalls drop the weight by 10% and work up by 2.5% until you're back at your previous max.
All I do:

Day 1: squat: 3 x 3 - 70%

Day 2: bench: 3 x3 - 70%

Day 3: dead: 3 x 3 - 70%

Bang done
I find it absurd that anyone would go to the gym not to train.

Gym = train
couch = rest

Choose one.

You are not resting by lifting lighter weights for fewer reps, and you are not training by lifting lighter weights for fewer reps.

Sometimes guys see PL monsters/champions doing something and want to mimic it, do you think Coan/Bridges/Pacifico/Gant/ McDonald/Kaz went to the gym for a f u c k i n g rest when they were at your level lol

If you dont feel like lifting, stay home and rest, dont take up a rack/bench at the gym that somebody training may have a use for.

Your squatting 110kg and benching 60kg, WTF do you need a rest from.

These guys that write about deloading are using 400kg on some lifts FFS

Rippetoes deload isnt a 'deload'. Basically if you get stuck you reset the weight so that you can keep building it up. Eg:

Squat 140 fail

Squat 125

Squat 130

Seems like a pretty good idea imo. its not a 'coast' period.
He says hes allready stalled 2-3 times on SS, which means he either hasnt got his eating and/or sleeping down right or needs to simply move on to another routine (whatever you do dont move onto Stronglifts, speaking from personal experience here)
I find it absurd that anyone would go to the gym not to train.

Gym = train
couch = rest

Choose one.

You are not resting by lifting lighter weights for fewer reps, and you are not training by lifting lighter weights for fewer reps.

Sometimes guys see PL monsters/champions doing something and want to mimic it, do you think Coan/Bridges/Pacifico/Gant/ McDonald/Kaz went to the gym for a f u c k i n g rest when they were at your level lol

If you dont feel like lifting, stay home and rest, dont take up a rack/bench at the gym that somebody training may have a use for.

Your squatting 110kg and benching 60kg, WTF do you need a rest from.

These guys that write about deloading are using 400kg on some lifts FFS
I'm just asking what I should do since I've stalled on the lifts a few times. I never said I wanted to take a rest lol. 4 months ago I was pretty damn skinny and really weak, especially my upper body.. so my lifts aren't that great yet.

I'll just ramp down the weights a bit and work back up. And eat more.
You would think that as she can lift more than you :p

Wait that means she would be stronger than me damn it.
SS is not the best program for some lifters, but I've already said that many times.

There is no best for everyone, sometimes you need to suck it up and try something else.

Oliver, where is that quote from in your sig?
Btw, I think starting strength doesnt work for some people because they dont want it to.

I've never stepped foot into a gym to 'train'. When I was a beginner I lived and died by my ability to put 2.5kg on each lift because that meant getting bigger and stronger asap. I see a lot of people who just go through the motions.
Spot on Oliver.

20 rep squat program is one that doesnt work for most.

For those motivated, EVERYTHING works.

The rest need to shop around