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Ammonia Smell


New member
Something that I have noticed lately is a very strong ammonia smell coming from my t-shirts after training. Normally I take my t-shirt off straight after my training session and dump it into my gym bag. When I take the t-shirt out the next day (yes I know I should take it out as soon as I get home but that would require some thought on my part but hey it gives you a bit of a headrush as the ammonia smell hits you and it doesnt cost anything) it just wreaks of ammonia. Anyone know why there would be such a strong smell?
Do you drink aclohol? often after a big night on the piss if you go and do a workout any leftover alcohol in your system will come out in your sweat and can smell like this.
Do you drink aclohol? often after a big night on the piss if you go and do a workout any leftover alcohol in your system will come out in your sweat and can smell like this.

Interesting point but no drinking during Mon-Thurs and one glass of wine over the weekend (i.e. half a glass on Fiday night and half a glass Saurday night). God I am a boring bastard!
Because your sweaty shirt in a closed warmish environment like a gym bag is perfect for bacteria, fungus and other yummy things to multiply in your shirts.

You should wash them or at the very least soak them as soon as you can after training. I found a similar issue with mine and even after washing as soon as I put them on they stank. Only soaking em over night in Bi Carb(baking soda) got the smell out properly and now i wash them as soon as I get home. No more smelly shirts.

Protip. If you dont have enough to to a full load just fill up your laundry tub with some water and soak it until you do.
Because your sweaty shirt in a closed warmish environment like a gym bag is perfect for bacteria, fungus and other yummy things to multiply in your shirts.

You should wash them or at the very least soak them as soon as you can after training. I found a similar issue with mine and even after washing as soon as I put them on they stank. Only soaking em over night in Bi Carb(baking soda) got the smell out properly and now i wash them as soon as I get home. No more smelly shirts.

Protip. If you dont have enough to to a full load just fill up your laundry tub with some water and soak it until you do.

I have forwarded this to my wife - ahh I am going to burn in hell for that one!

I am not fussed about the smell (thats my wifes and training partners problem) I am curious as to why an ammonia smell unles you are saying the bacteria are producing anmmonia as a waste prodct from munching on my sweat.
The ammonia (NH4) smell is from the metabolism of nitrogenous compounds (proteins).

Just bump up your carbohydrate intake prior to working out and in the meals before hand and this should remdedy the problem. More oats, more banana's, more pasta and even a gatorade.

Its not neccesarily an indication of catabolism or muscle breakdown, rather a lack of carbohydrates for energy, resulting in protein metabolism.
The ammonia (NH4) smell is from the metabolism of nitrogenous compounds (proteins).

Just bump up your carbohydrate intake prior to working out and in the meals before hand and this should remdedy the problem. More oats, more banana's, more pasta and even a gatorade.

Its not neccesarily an indication of catabolism or muscle breakdown, rather a lack of carbohydrates for energy, resulting in protein metabolism.

Ah Ha - thanks for that mate. Makes sense due to the protein breakdown and nitrogen balance. Shall do