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Butter or margarine

Which one

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If you're really into healthy eating and you've got some concerns about what goes on in processed food, and if you also think the results of processed food is not reaking havoc in our bodies then I highly recomend this book.

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats: Sally Fallon, Mary Enig: 9780967089737: Amazon.com: Books

This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.

Sally Fallon dispels the myths of the current low-fat fad in this practical, entertaining guide to a can-do diet that is both nutritious and delicious.Nourishing Traditions will tell you:

1.Why your body needs old fashioned animal fats
2.Why butter is a health food
3.How high-cholesterol diets promote good health
4.How saturated fats protect the heart
5.How rich sauces help you digest and assimilate your food
6.Why grains and legumes need special preparation to provide optimum benefits 7.About enzyme-enhanced food and beverages that can provide increased energy and vitality
8.Why high-fiber, lowfat diets can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Topics include the health benefits of traditional fats and oils (including butter and coconut oil); dangers of vegetarianism; problems with modern soy foods; health benefits of sauces and gravies; proper preparation of whole grain products; pros and cons of milk consumption; easy-to-prepare enzyme enriched condiments and beverages; and appropriate diets for babies and children.

Just ignore him man, anyone that points out a logical fallacy with an argumentum ad absurdum clearly lacks critical thinking abilities
Just ignore him man, anyone that points out a logical fallacy with an argumentum ad absurdum clearly lacks critical thinking abilities

Point out what was wrong about what I said. Being natural doesn't automatically make something good for you or safe. A natural diet. What's a natural diet? Diets varied greatly depending on the time and place you lived.

You can't defend any argument you make because all your information is just cut and paste from other sources.

Not to mention it changes every day.
It's good to talk about.
The body is complex, a natural diet is going to seem a lot more logical than an unnatural diet years down the track.

Anyone that produces a beneficial food that contains a collection of compounds mixed together would need to be fuckin smart.

What's a natural diet?

I want someone to give a clear definition of that for starters.
Well, some dumb ćunt million years ago ran out of meat so he gave seeds a go because he saw some bovine eating it, he died for whatever reason.
So his mate smashed the seeds and ate them he survived.

Today some dumb kunt is mixing and manfucturing compounds together and selling it as food.
People want a natural diet. Insects were a large part of humans diets. Very high protein, maybe people should be eating them now as part of their natural diet.
People want a natural diet. Insects were a large part of humans diets. Very high protein, maybe people should be eating them now as part of their natural diet.

Funnily enough people are eating insects, there are even restaurants that serve them

Funnily enough people are eating insects, there are even restaurants that serve them

Yes but point is the people claiming a natural diet aren't eating anything that resembled a pre modern human diet.

What is even natural about serving up a bucket of chicken wings.

natural food is also a mixture of compounds... in the end, everything, even us, is made of chemicals
Yes but point is the people claiming a natural diet aren't eating anything that resembled a pre modern human diet.

What is even natural about serving up a bucket of chicken wings.

In this day and age it's virtually impossible to find food that hasn't been tampered with in some way so we need to just do the best we can in choosing what we eat and be sensible about it.
In this day and age it's virtually impossible to find food that hasn't been tampered with in some way so we need to just do the best we can in choosing what we eat and be sensible about it.

This sums it up, ie choose wisely and use your brain, and may be do some research into what you are actually eating before making a decision.

natural food is also a mixture of compounds... in the end, everything, even us, is made of chemicals
Yes, but I think his point is that it is a finely balanced natural combination of compounds that has developed over millions of years of evolution.

Once you (humans) mess with it you change the make up of it, and who knows what affect that will have??

Margarine starts off as a flower or plant and then gets processed into something entirely different, while butter is just butter (cream).

This seems to be on topic but here is a copy and paste on how maragrine is made:

How is margarine made: Step 1

Margarine makers start with cheap. poor quality vegetable oils, such as corn, cottonseed, soybeans, safflower seeds and canola.

These oils have already turned rancid from being extracted from oil seeds using high temperature and high pressure. Rancid oils are loaded with free radicals that react easily with other molecules, causing cell damage, premature aging and a host of other problems.

The last bit of oil is removed with hexane, a solvent known to cause cancer. Although this hexane subsequent removed, traces of it are inevitably left behind.

How is margarine made: Step 2

The raw oils for making margarine are steam cleaned. This destroys all the vitamins and antioxidants.

However, the residues of pesticides and solvents – that is, hexane – remain.

How is margarine made: Step 3

The oils are mixed with finely ground nickel, a highly toxic substance that serves as a catalyst for the chemical reaction during the hydrogenation process.

Other catalysts may be used, but these, too, are highly toxic.

How is margarine made: Step 4

The oils are then put under high temperature and pressure in a reactor.

Hydrogen gas is introduced. The high temperature and pressure, together with the presence of nickel catalyst, causes hydrogen atoms to be forced into the oil molecules.

If the oil is partially hydrogenated, it turns from liquid into a semi-solid.

Trans fats are formed during partial hydrogenation. These are fat molecules that have been twisted out of shape. In liquid oils, the molecules are bent, with the hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of each other.

During partial hydrogenation, the molecules are somewhat straightened and now all the hydrogen molecules are on the same side.

If the oil is fully hydrogenated, it turns into a hard solid that cannot be eaten. It no longer contains trans fats because the "out of shape” oil molecules have all been broken up to form straight chains. But this does not mean they have become healthy again because of all the unnatural steps above.

How is margarine made: Step 5

What comes out of the partial hydrogenation process is a smelly, lumpy, grey grease.

To remove the lumps, emulsifiers – which are like soaps – are mixed in.

How is margarine made: Step 6

The oil is steam cleaned (again!) to remove the odor of chemicals. This step is called deodorization and it again involves high temperature and high pressure.

How is margarine made: Step 7

The oil is then bleached to get rid of the grey color.

How is margarine made: Step 8

Synthetic vitamins and artificial flavors are mixed in.

A natural yellow color is added to margarine, as synthetic coloring is not allowed!

In fact, early last century, all coloring was not allowed and margarine was white. This was to protect consumers so that they do not get butter and margarine mixed up.

How is margarine made: Step 9

Finally, the margarine is promoted to the public as a health food – with the full endorsement of many scientists, doctors, nutritionists and health authorities.


Step 1 :Fresh milk from dairy farms is collected and brought to the creamery.

Step 2 : The cream is then separated from the fresh whole milk using centrifugal force. It is then pasteurized by heating it rapidly to a high temperature to eliminate potential disease-causing bacteria and help the butter stay fresh longer.

Step 3 : The cream is beaten vigorously in a churning cylinder until it thickens naturally into butter.
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I do sometimes wonder at the level of knowledge of organic chemistry of the general public..

technically, "rancid" just means the original structure has been partially broken down, ie some bits breaking of the glycerol backbone, or breaking of some of the carbon double bonds..

hexane is not recognised to be a carcinogen.
it is recognised as a mutagen for bacteria....
but petrol is generally not considered to be good for you, so not good to have it in food..

nickel powder highly toxic? maybe.. but there is no nickel in the final product.
catalyst, by definition, is not consumed in the process.
I bet you have stainless steel saucepans, knives and forks.. you know they have nickel in there too? and chromium..

I'm not that familiar with production of trans-fats during hydrogenation, but basically hydrogenation "uses up" double carbon bonds, by splitting the carbon double bond and adding two hydrogen atoms to use the bond.. are there actually any trans-fats left in margarine?

hydrogenation changes the fat from poly-unsaturated (many carbon double bonds, not fully saturated with hydrogen), to less un-saturated structure.. which increase the melting point and makes it more solid than liquid.

meh, steam distillation and clay bleaching.. not harmful...

I guess lots of the steps "sound" harmful... but aren't really.. although I'm not that comfortable with hydrogenation tbh..

butter has shit added to it as well, and the coating around the fats are broken down in order to make butter...
not only that but butter goes rancid far sooner than margarine (much more stable).. so unless your butter is really fresh, you are consuming harmful rancid breakdown products
do you eat "sour" cream? cheese? no problem with them being rancid??

so easy to appeal to the emotional side when trying to dis things, ie "lumpy, smelly, grey".. oh no it has lumps... and doesn't have colour....

I wonder how many butter enthusiast also have flavoured protein?? do they know what is done to make artificial flavouring????

what about salt.. it's a byproduct of some industrial processes.. but because we can get it from drying seawater, that's ok? no problem with uranium and other heavy metals in the sea salt? and all the shit in those coloured rock salts??

anyway, I'm gonna get butter next time