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Can you take 2 pre workout supp's mixed together????


New member
Hi,just wondering if it is safe to take a scoop or hemo rage and 10g of pre workout powder NT (97%amino acids/100%pharmaceutical grade)-bulk nutrients brand,mixed together 30 to 45mins before a workout.

I usually take a scoop of hemo before a sesh but i got a 10g sample packet and just wanted to try it.So would it be ok?????cheers
Finish the Rage then try your sample. Seriously how can you judge the effectiveness of your sample. Tbh this is a stupid question. Did you think hard about this?
Finish the Rage then try your sample. Seriously how can you judge the effectiveness of your sample. Tbh this is a stupid question. Did you think hard about this?

Nope,but its a question to ask.I'm just going to stick with my hemo and when i run out of it ill take the sample.cheers
You know you have taken hemo im always in bed by 11pm and then up again at 1:20am.Makes you really alert.Great stuff.

ask yourself - is it worth it?

I used to take jack3d and sure the first couple of times it helped, but i used it regularly which stopped it actually being useful and i would rely on it and think if i didn't take it i would have a bad workout.
ask yourself - is it worth it?

I used to take jack3d and sure the first couple of times it helped, but i used it regularly which stopped it actually being useful and i would rely on it and think if i didn't take it i would have a bad workout.

Tried a pre workout. Apart from the fucking annoying beta alanine tingle i noticed nothing at all. I lifted better a couple days after when I was hungover.

Really they are a waste of money.
Of course you can mix it together. Pre workouts are nothing magical there not steroids.

They are generaly just amino acids with some stimulants. Most have the same or similar ingredients.
Of course you can mix it together. Pre workouts are nothing magical there not steroids.

They are generaly just amino acids with some stimulants. Most have the same or similar ingredients.

I know they aint roids,but i take hemo helps me pump up more and get more reps done.Just the feel i get from it.On my light sessions i dont take hemo.On the heavy ones i do.

You can take them both together but as the purpose of the sample is to gauge the effectiveness, doing so would be a bit silly (as Shrek has pointed out).
Rather than waiting until you have finished the Hemo Rage I would take the Pre Workout NT (on a day when you don't take the Hemo Rage), that way you can get a better idea of how well it works in comparison, and you can also compare the value for money - Pre Workout Nt is $69 for 100 serves.

I have to say Pre Workout products are a funny one, personally I am not a fan of DMAA as I find I suffer quite a few sides, anxiety, jittery feelings and it can cause insomnia.

If you do use them, it is always good to take a break for a week or so, and your idea of using it on heavy days only is a good one. CNS overload is no joke, these products shouldn't be used in large doses day in day out, especially the one's that include a "lucky dip" of stims (most of them) where you don't even know how much you are having.