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EFX test charge

DHEAS: 14.5 umol/L range (2.5 - 13)
FSH: 1.2 U/L range (1.5 - 13)
LH: 1.5 U/L range (2.0 - 10)
E2: 164 pmol/L
Cortisol: 552 nmol/L range (138 - 650)
24hr Cortisol: 204 nmol/d range (54 - 319)
ACTH: 9.2 pmol/L range (0 - 12)
IGF1: 41 nmol/L range (15 - 64)
growth hormone: 5.0 mIU/L range (0 - 15)
17OH Progesterone: 8.0 nmol/L range (0 -6.0)
Try to get that e2 down to 70-90.

Start supplementing zinc picolinate 100mg daily for 2 weeks then drop back to 50mg. Also look into sski and it's effects on e1/2/3.

Are you taking any meds that may interfere with phase 1,2 liver detoxification?
Not on any meds, take multi vitamins daily thats about it. Do you think my low test stems from naturally high e2? Always struggled with estrogen which resulted in gyno during puberty. Do you think TRT will help or is there a underlining issue?
Not on any meds, take multi vitamins daily thats about it. Do you think my low test stems from naturally high e2? Always struggled with estrogen which resulted in gyno during puberty. Do you think TRT will help or is there a underlining issue?

Underlaying issue, Its strange your progesterone is over range yet test is low and e2 is at upper end..

Whats your bodyweight and height? Are you holding alot of vicseral fat?

Im supprised no one has at least tried you on arimidex 0.25 - 0.5mg twice weekly to get your e2 down.

I cant see if you mentioned your SHBG?

Your body is able to produce it is either

1.dumping it all into e2.
2. not able to properly excrete e2

My guess is you have high cholesterol? And always feel cold?
180cm 78kg... lean legs, lean arms, carry fat in chest/abs/lower back. Would say around 18% BF.
You should see the looks I get when I ask for arimidex... its either a look of "I dont know what that is" or a look of "your not a women with breast cancer".
Cant find the report with SHBG on it. Everytime I see a new doctor they take my records instead of calling the lab for a copy.
Me and my wife eat the same foods and her cholesterol is perfect and mine is on the higher side. Hands and feet always cold.
180cm 78kg... lean legs, lean arms, carry fat in chest/abs/lower back. Would say around 18% BF.
You should see the looks I get when I ask for arimidex... its either a look of "I dont know what that is" or a look of "your not a women with breast cancer".
Cant find the report with SHBG on it. Everytime I see a new doctor they take my records instead of calling the lab for a copy.
Me and my wife eat the same foods and her cholesterol is perfect and mine is on the higher side. Hands and feet always cold.

Cholesterol could be because of low test..


Could be because of thyroid problem... t3 acts on everything in the body to drive it. Especially the liver... Generally high cholesterol can be a sign of more of a thyroid condition due to the livers inability to metabolise and excrete properly... This could be the same case with metabolising and excreting hormones... Due to your low fat and low aromatase activity e2 may simply be building up in your system because it is not being excreted properly... This is then keeping your hypothalamus from detecting low test as i believe e2 can fill the receptor (as if e2 is high test must be high to spill over into e2). The body then may lower fsh.lh due to this and that is why your results may look normal...

I can send you a refferal form for thyroid testing at a private lab. Its $200 ( no i dont make any money off that).

It will test

thyroid antibodies...

Could be a key to the puzzle? You have already tested adrenals and they appear fine so thats good.
TSH: 1.76 mU/L
FREE T3: 4.6 pmol/L
Free T4: 1.76 mU/L
REVERSE T3: 591 pmol/L range 170 - 450 <---- super high

your rt3 is blocking t3 from acting on receptors...

From what i have heard you will need a good dr to administer t3 (as you need to lower your t4 to stop making rt3) then wein yourself off t3 recheck adrenals and everything might kickstart...
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WOW! Every doctor has told me my TSH is fine and under 3 and everything else is running perfect. How do these people get their medical degrees? So basically I have to take T3 which will lower my rT3 and this should bring my testosterone/LH/FSH to normal levels? I had no idea that thyroid played such an important role in those hormones...
WOW! Every doctor has told me my TSH is fine and under 3 and everything else is running perfect. How do these people get their medical degrees? So basically I have to take T3 which will lower my rT3 and this should bring my testosterone/LH/FSH to normal levels? I had no idea that thyroid played such an important role in those hormones...

They are all interlinked... I have seen countless dr's and endos' now i simply use them for tests and scirpts i do my own dosaging and protocols because they have no idea.

Please dont do this without a dr supervision though. You have to realise that they only get taught what they believe to be right in medical school 20 years ago. Remembers dr's are like sales man. If there is no 1 pill designed to treat your condition its uncurable and you dont have a problem...

I would first try to lower your e2 as this could also be the cause of your high rt3, it might not be i cant remember where i have read that but it is sitting in the back of my mind poking me.

An increased production of rT3 is often seen in patients with disorders such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
sydrome (CFS), Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome and stress. Measurement of rT3 is also valuable in identifying sick
euthyroid syndrome where active T3 is within normal range and rT3 is elevated.
WOW! Every doctor has told me my TSH is fine and under 3 and everything else is running perfect. How do these people get their medical degrees? So basically I have to take T3 which will lower my rT3 and this should bring my testosterone/LH/FSH to normal levels? I had no idea that thyroid played such an important role in those hormones...

TSH is the most useless piece of crap in the world, it can only be used to diagnose hypopituitary.

Thats like judging testosterone levels from FSH/LH idiotic!
Well my wife has issues with her thyroid and is on thyroid extract which i know contains both T4 and T3. Looks like I will call her doc in the morning as this is what she specialises in, and see what can be done for me.

Thanks for your help, You have helped me more than the doctors ive seen and they have cost me thousands!.... Ill give you an update... anything else you can suggest I ask the doc?
Not just yet...

Try and get the rt3 down and i think you may find changes... If not then Ill help you look into other things.

Dr berdowski or Dr Chappell?
Awesome ill ask for either one of them.... Damn i remember my wife was on a 8month waiting list for her first consultation! hopefully I dont have to wait that long seeing that they treat my wife lol...

Thanks again.