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guy from work

I dont care how not jealous your bf is or isnt...at the end of the day have respect for him by not going out to lunch with some random at work...would you like it if he did it to you? Honestly? If my gf did that then I wouldnt be happy...I wouldnt be mad as such but its just disrespectful
Sounds like you just want some people to say its all good and its ok so it puts it right in your mind so you don't feel bad about it
no, because i dont know if its cool to be just friends with him and go to lunch/ chat like my uni mates, im not sure if my last bad experience was just a one- off or most guys who do that have intentions..

Yeah but it takes a while to build up those friendships such as those with your uni mates where going to lunch with one of them is no problem, you are just friends. I have no problem with my missus having lunch with a long time male friend.

But a random from work you may hardly know who is offering to pay is not ok in my books. You are obviously not interested in him physically for a number of reasons but he may not know that. Sounds like he is after something.
meh, im not a hussy or anything like that.. i try to be friends with most people, if they are friendly with me. i dont want to be rude by thinking hes into me when he may not even be..
But I will probably avoid him politely anyway to be safe.
I asked my bf what he thought and he didnt really know?/ said he thought it was abit weird but didnt necesarily think he was cracking onto me
I'm concerned that you're not concerned that your boyfriend isn't more concerned. Quite complex isn't it? Too complex to properly sort out on an internet forum. Whereabouts in Sydney do you work? Let's sort this out over lunch. My shout.
I'm concerned that you're not concerned that your boyfriend isn't more concerned. Quite complex isn't it? Too complex to properly sort out on an internet forum. Whereabouts in Sydney do you work? Let's sort this out over lunch. My shout.

lol playyyyya
I'm concerned that you're not concerned that your boyfriend isn't more concerned. Quite complex isn't it? Too complex to properly sort out on an internet forum. Whereabouts in Sydney do you work? Let's sort this out over lunch. My shout.

yes good point, but he rarely shows jealousy, only like once he has, i think he knows i wouldnt do anything or whatever
yes good point, but he rarely shows jealousy, only like once he has, i think he knows i wouldnt do anything or whatever
or maybe its eating him up inside but doesnt want to tell/show you because he doesnt want to make you think he doesnt trust you. just putting it out there.

See bolded.
or most guys who do that have intentions..

Let me let you in on a little secret. I'm probably going to be sued by everyone in the world for letting you know this, but here it is: There is no such thing as heterosexual male and female friends. Ever.
Let me let you in on a little secret. I'm probably going to be sued by everyone in the world for letting you know this, but here it is: There is no such thing as heterosexual male and female friends. Ever.

l let that cat out of the bag in my first post in the thread. l received several death threats for that...
Let me let you in on a little secret. I'm probably going to be sued by everyone in the world for letting you know this, but here it is: There is no such thing as heterosexual male and female friends. Ever.

Here's a a good video I found a while ago on the subject lol.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01znD7ECe7g"]ice1cube's Channel 11 "Just by Friends??????" - YouTube[/ame]
any male and female who have some sort of relationship have most probably thought about rooting at one stage or another. The real question is more of whether it is a business relationship or developing into a personal one.

Play it by ear

If you feel it is progressing to a stage of intimacy, and you don't want that, confront it. Otherwise you're probably overthinking it
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Let me let you in on a little secret. I'm probably going to be sued by everyone in the world for letting you know this, but here it is: There is no such thing as heterosexual male and female friends. Ever.
I feel sorry for you
seems you might be missing out on half of what life has to offer....
MrTuna said:
any male and female who have some sort of relationship have most probably thought about rooting at one stage or another
and there's nothing wrong with that

is a guy with no female friends just socially incapable?
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sounds desperate (and normal for a single guy... maybe it will change for you once you get a girlfriend/partner?)
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sounds desperate (and normal for a single guy... maybe it will change for you once you get a girlfriend/partner?)

I have a gf, which is the reason i haven't banged them.

If one of your female friends jumped on your lap naked, you couldn't honestly tell me you'd tell her to get lost. Only thing preventing this from occurring is the commitment to your gf/wife.
maybe some, but not all of my female friends are hot, or of a similar/bangable age group

females are people too you know? most of my female friends are friends because they are people, not because I want to have sex with them (although I can't speak for their thoughts...)