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How do I lose the fat from my stomach?

There is nothing wrong with "the sit-up", it's an exercise, the abs should be treated just like any other muscle in the body.

The issue is, is that most people don't see it this way.

If you feel the need to target those muscles, the crunch is a better exercise, ten to fifteen rep's, with a dumb-bell held on the chest...one set, two max- no more than twice a week.

Heavy side bends are also another very under rated exercise.
Situps are not called bad because of Powerlifters but because of spinal specialists, exercise specialists etc.

That's not entirely correct Dave.

But if one stood there with an empty barbell and did endless rep's and sets of curls every day over a protracted time, injury is inevitable, you would think.

Less is more when it comes to lifting the iron.
That's not entirely correct Dave.

But if one stood there with an empty barbell and did endless rep's and sets of curls every day over a protracted time, injury is inevitable, you would think.

Less is more when it comes to lifting the iron.

I don't think you would get injured doing curls everyday.

And less is more with lifting iron??


Lift less weight to get stronger?? Lift less volume, less often, less reps?? Does not make sense.

If you want to progress over time, with strength, size or both you need to be progressively doing more not less.
Volume, dick head.

There was a time when people would do 100 sit-ups a day, thinking if some is good, then more is better.
You get/see abs by being at a low bodyfat, not by doing crunches or abdominal exercise.

You achieve a low bodyfat by being in a calorie deficit, not by eating clean. (brb eating 'clean' and in a calorie surplus and expecting not to gain bodyfat)

You can not spot reduce, you are genetically wired as to where you store fat and the type of fat cells found in that area.

If you need to strengthen or further develop your abs further than what the indirect exercises stimulates, do some direct abdominal exercises. They are like any other bodypart in that sense.

If your abdominals are not strong enough and lead to poor posture in either everyday life or for exercise performance, do direct work on top of any indirect work that maybe getting done.

Now please no more ab threads :D
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How mature Andy.

So less volume??

I doubt many people are going to progress by consistently using less and less volume.
i think andy is talking about the insane amount of reps, up in the 100's. your trying to build muscle, not endurance. does a marathon runner have larger muscles the a sprinter?? no, the are scrawny. who does less volume? the sprinter.
How mature Andy.

So less volume??

I doubt many people are going to progress by consistently using less and less volume.

You're too sensitive

There is a difference between repetitive strain and progressive strengthening, if you do not know the difference Barry I'm sorry ;)

i cbd even putting my 2c in sometimes.

These ab and bicep threads really amuse me :D

Alright stop colaborate and LISTEN!!
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You're too sensitive

There is a difference between repetitive strain and progressive strengthening, if you do not know the difference Barry I'm sorry ;)

How am I sensitive, you had the little outburst back there and you also said less volume is more. Memory fading is it.