Boys can I add? (I will anyway) lol
For that wanker in the audience to say it's pressure from 'women' to look good though?? That's bullshit.
It's ego. Plain and simple.
Do people, in general look better when they're fit and healthy and vibrant and strong? Sure. Absolutely. And WAY more appealing to the majority of human beings. And there are extreme enthusiasts in each camp - girls who will ONLY date muscle bound men and the girls who buy into the stereotype and think they're all wankers?
Speaking for myself, attractiveness is completely subjective?? It depends who's looking at you. For me, sure some physical attraction is important - but at the end of the day, I really just need to know, that the man I'm with - is a good man.
Simple as that.
Most of the men I've been with - even at my heaviest weight, were physically very fit men. The first guy I dated, who became my lover after I returned to Australia from 12 years abroad was an absolute gym junkie. I weighed about 130kg when I met him out one night and he thought I was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen??? (Which freaked me out, but this was more my problem with self image/esteem issues - than his)
More recently, I've met a bodybuilder who wants to date me and he is massive. And I mean, built as shit. I would never go out and actively seek a man with that kind of physique? It is an extreme of physicality.
And yet he too, thinks I'm very attractive, just the way I am?
The interesting thing is, goodlooking, lean girlfriends of mine have seen pictures of him and said "Omg, yuck, he's a freak"
Which I find interesting and curious to be truthful???
His body, is amazing. Many years of hard work, dedication and commitment have gone into maintaining that physique, sure. But it's not his body I think is's the traits he possesses and what he believes in, that builds and 'keeps' that body - that I find so attractive?
Commitment, dedication, hard work, tenacity, perserverence, strength of mind?
And my friends judge him....and yet his friends would likely consider me a fat arse?
Physical attraction is subjective and open to perception. I don't feel pressure to look a certain way by any external influence - just myself.
Sure the media hypes up muscle bound aesthetically pleasing physiques for men.
It also hypes up incredibly skinny women, with big boobs.
Neither are achieveable or sustainable by the vast majority of the population?
Everybody judges everybody else. It's human nature. But you're judged for being too fat, too thin, not pretty enough, not handsome enough, not enough muscle, too tall, too short, you wear glasses, your bald, stretchmarks, no arse...the list goes on and on and on....
The more insightful question is - how do you judge yourself? And where did that standard of 'beauty' or 'attractiveness' come from?
Love what ya got and love where your'e going! What anyone else thinks, matters for naught.
The End