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Israeli\Palestine Conflict

They should move the Israeli's to a new settlement in the Northern Territory and give Palestine back to the Palestinians! The Israeli's shouldn't be there.
They should just bomb each other back to the stone age............... Wait a minute........

Rapey was a little shocked though when the news showed those 2 cars being blown up though without any 'warning'. Granted you didn't really see the aftermath of it but it doesn't take a genius to figure out if a packed car is driving and it gets blown up the people in there aren't exactly going to walk away.

l think everyone just needs to chill the fuck out though.... If they all smoked pot at the same time there would be zero casualties.... (noweedadvocate/10)
I do find it interesting that all the world leaders are telling Israel to calm the fuck down... why were they not saying that to Hamas for the last week while they have been pot shotting with a couple of thousand rockets..
I think they should bomb Palestine with money.

I'm sort of serious... I'm not an expert but as I understand the conflict they will never really 'stop wanting' the holy land, and Palestine is poverty stricken. People tend to be less ready to go to war when they're comfortable.
I think they should bomb Palestine with money.

I'm sort of serious... I'm not an expert but as I understand the conflict they will never really 'stop wanting' the holy land, and Palestine is poverty stricken. People tend to be less ready to go to war when they're comfortable.

In thoery but then you have America....
I think America's learning now they're actually not that fond of war now they realise it's not quite like holywood :P
I think they should bomb Palestine with money.

I'm sort of serious... I'm not an expert but as I understand the conflict they will never really 'stop wanting' the holy land, and Palestine is poverty stricken. People tend to be less ready to go to war when they're comfortable.

The problem is they are run by a government (I use this term loosely) who are batshit crazy, all money would do is get them bigger weapons to use on Israel...
Israelies and Palestinians have been arguing over the same shit for hundreds of years. tragic human toll. tragic toll on kids. war is fucking stupid.
The problem is they are run by a government (I use this term loosely) who are batshit crazy, all money would do is get them bigger weapons to use on Israel...

Bit rich calling the palestinans loose cannons, the jews are constantly chipping away 'new' territories which are really just sovereign parts of palestine then smashing the fuck out of them with bombs and bullets after they retaliate with shitty home made rockets that never hit anything.

The real kicker here though is that a country spawned from the biggest nationalist lead ethnic cleansing purge in history has in 50 years created an agressive nationalist state that is undertaking a protracted invasion and opression/ethic cleansing of its neighbour state.

Professor fluffy has spoken.

In b4 mossad kick my door down and drag me away in the middle of the night.
What is it about that patch of rocks? You'd reckon they would both want to get the fuck out of there but they keep fighting over it.

My thoughts, uneducated as they are,

Israel copped an ordeal 70 odd years ago that no group of people should ever have to endure.

They have been milking the shit out of it in recent times. (Not sure when this started) You can't offer any criticism of Israel without them crying about anti semitism.

They were given a State carved out of someone elses country and they have set about expanding it and oppressing the Palestinians that remain in Israel.

Everyone over there is equally unreasonable and resolution is a long way away.

Thank fuck I live here.
They fight over validity of existence.

Some years ago a 'two state' deal was brokered where they're both recognised as independent states & the likely border for this 'two state deal' was the Gaza Strip. But there is a lack of confidence from both parties that they will be able to uphold their state commitments (i.e. after hundreds of years of fighting & bloodshed they don't trust eachother).

Add to that, the constant conflict in Palestine between groups of power (i.e. PLO &/or Hammas) Israel doesn't know who to broker deals with or sign commitments with. And that is predominantly why Israel continues to retain a position of power & is largely & generally supported by other allies & countries of power. The PLO & Hammas are fighting & killing eachother from within Palestine. Each don't agree with the others stance on politics or politically motivated decisions. There is no seperation of religion & state, they go hand in hand...

It's a bonafide mess. But Israel gathers steam because it can point at chaos within Palestine & hold them accountable for every breakdown of communication & commitment.

You can't rationalise or broker any agreements when madness & chaos reign in a deeply fractured society.

Its intensely sad for the Palestinian & Israeli people alike.
Ive Never seen them eat icecream, i think they need some icecream, its fu&@ing delicous and makes everyone happy