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Mike's Diet

I have ameneded your headings you were missing a few very important ones...
I have ameneded your headings you were missing a few very important ones...
Hi n00bs,

And have you amended your sig as well to add "there's more to health than fat, carb, protein ratios"?

Well, they say when the student is ready the master appears and this bloody student has been studying for 20 odd years. There's a position available if you think you've got something to add?

I'm genuinely welcome to any and all suggestions. I've laid out the bare bones and will tweak as necessary. At least those three big headings give me something to start with.


PS Just ordered my micronised creatine monohydrate and cassein from fitness central...

When it comes to masters i would be looking at Fadi for infomation i just spurt out what i find and think is relevant for the rest of us to take on board.

mate i want to help everyone who is willing to help them selves..

Alot of people dont understand the concept of oxidative stress.. The more exercise you do the more ATP turn over and more oxygen you consume thus more free radicals are created and more antioxidants are needed to protect yourself from the damage they cause...

I believe and so do alot of people that all degenerative diseases are avoidable to some extent this includes cancer...

It just some people arnt willing to listen...

Im going to make a thread on basic antioxidant and vitamin protection when i have time. Keep an eye out

All the best.
lol .. you make me laugh mate.
When work's doing my head in, I can always rely on your (lack of) understanding about 99% of dieting and training.
When it comes to masters i would be looking at Fadi for infomation

I agree, and certainly do read all of Fadi's posts with sincere appreciation. Derkaderka and others have obviously also excelled moreso than I so warrant my attention and humble appreciation for their contributions.

Im going to make a thread on basic antioxidant and vitamin protection when i have time. Keep an eye out

Eyes peeled. Look forward to reading that thread.

lol .. you make me laugh mate.
When work's doing my head in, I can always rely on your (lack of) understanding about 99% of dieting and training.

What are you tlaking about?

I just did a 220kg deadlift...

If you can do better please produce results..
What have you got against egg yolks mike? Also you have your BMR as 1600 and you added 200 on, what about the rest of your daily activity, mental activity, addition of weight sessions, increases thermogenisis from your higher protein meals have you added those into the equation? You may find you are a bit more under than you want to be.

Personally at 20% bodyfat I would focus on consistent training coupled with a clean diet with approximately your maintenance needs and do that for 12 weeks. You should notice a increase in strength and muscle mass and a decrease in fat mass. You could drop down to 15% bodyfat without losing much in total weight and then work from there to drop more bodyfat to get into the low teens.
Posted via Mobile Device

That's precisely where my head is at. Start with a simple clean diet at around target calories and get discipined in both eating and lifting. Give it a full cycle of Markos' PPP then re-evaluate diet to tweak.

Any formal diet would be better than the haphazard approach to date.

If that is the case, reread my first part. I think you may be underestimating your total calorie needs. I find some structure is good but allow deviation if need be. When I go too hard I end up screwing it up and fall off, NOT GOOD!

I can not find all your exact details like height and age and I do not know what you do for work, how much walking you do, chores etc so I can not be sure you are underestimating your calorie intake.

I still think you need to add some more fats to your diet too, you produce hormones from fats and test from cholesterol specifically. So that means if you are having an inadequate amount of fats your test levels can be affected.
After all that,,,,,,,, when i want to cut down after a bulking phase i never lower my calories .
I up my protein, consume most of my carbs around my workouts ,and do 100 push ups ,and 100 burpees aswell every morning first thing, it works for me .
I let myself go up to around 20-22% and cut down to 12-14%.
Id also be getting some flaxseed into that diet mike

Sounds like bloody good advice. Fadi was also into me to up my aerobic exercise in a targeted HIIT way. I spend most of my time sitting at a desk in front of a computer so really should invest some more time in aerobic to stay lean. I don't want to starve my system as I'm bulking, but at 2000cals I don't feel like I am. Hit a bit of a flat spot around 2pm today so snacked on some almonds and dried fruits which gave me a big lift. So Fadi might be onto something with the whole insulin levels and dietary fats.

Having said that, I can already feel the fat levels dropping and I'm down a belt notch or two. Muscle bulk is up too. So even the basics of a formal diet seem to be moving me in the right direction. I'll persist with it and tweak as necessary.

Personally mike evryone is different and different things work for different people.
youve started right. build a sound , varied diet of unprocessed clean foods, count your calories and take your weight , bodyfat% and water %.
Stick to that diet monitoring your wieght and %s .
Only buy doing this for 4-8 weeks will YOU find out wot works for YOU.
Try some hiit in the morning for a few weeks ,a fast 20 min walk after your workout, or an extra workout 4 instead of 3.
If your fat% goes down and your happy with muscle gain/slight loss keep to it, if you lose to much muscle add calories .

Its this part that kept me going, its interesting, read articles and take some off the very good opinions that your find here but wot your ultimatly asking only you can find out with experimention.
Try some hiit in the morning for a few weeks ,a fast 20 min walk after your workout, or an extra workout 4 instead of 3.

Yep, everything in your last post is right where my head is at. I've got to at least put a strawman diet together and stick to something. That will build the discipline and I can amend it as I see how it pans out.

I did my squat PPP workout today and then had dinner and have now just got back from a very fast 30 minute walk with the dogs around the steep hills in Bardon where I live. I do that almost every day. Sweaty again now with elevated heart rate. And I've already had a shower post workout! Shedding the fat% shouldn't be too hard if I stop consuming the crap I used to.

Whoa, just had a dizzy spell.

3:30pm in the afternoon and getting ready for my 5:30pm workout and I had a real dizzy spell. Went and had a couple of drinks of water and got a bit hot flushed.

Diet today wasn't crazy...

Breakfast was 5 egg whites and half a yolk with onion fried and served on two pieces of wholegrain toast. Glass of water.

Mornos was a small yoghurt and a banana.

Lunch was about 250gm of steak and some roasted zuchini, capsicums and onions.

Mid-afternoon was a WPC shake with full 150ml full cream milk.

But no real water to talk about. Working in the warehouse today and been on my feet the whole time. Maybe just a bit dehydrated. Will down a litre of water now and see how I feel. Might also have some cottage cheese before I head off to workout. Wierd sensation that head spin.
