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Need help for back day.....


New member
very much still a noob, but have been going at it for about 6 months now

I am getting improvements, getting stronger, my shape is changing and I'm feeling good

I'm making progress with pretty much all my lifts, slowly getting stronger and increasing weight. I'm definitely feeling it after I've worked out lol

Except for my back. I'm struggling here. I'm not trying anything fancy, my session includes; pull-ups (still assisted, but I'm determined to get there), bent over rows, single arm rows, lat pull down, seated row, and hyper extension.

I'm just not feeling the same fatigue in my back post workout as I am round the rest of my body

I'm assuming this is all probably due to form, and I'm trying, but just after any advice you pros might have

Thanks in advance

As far as your actual back workout looks it looks fine, I have also struggled in the last to deem the same doms in the back as I have kegs and chest, but I don't think it means you aren't doing the right workout for your back.
Is your back getting bigger. Is it growing?

I'm lifting heavier weights than when I started, so I guess there is progress. It's just that a day or 2 after arms, or chest or whatever I really get a lot of "good" pain lol, which I am attributing to growth

Just not feeling that same load in my back.

In terms of growth, I'm still carrying too much flab to really get a good view of growth, plus only 6 months, so not expecting much

Don't worry if you are not getting DOMS. MIGHT BE AN IDEA AND DROP YOUR WEIGHT AND concentrate on contracting the muscle. The temptation is too keep increasing weight at all cost and form can suffer esp with back/ lat exercises.
Don't worry if you are not getting DOMS. MIGHT BE AN IDEA AND DROP YOUR WEIGHT AND concentrate on contracting the muscle. The temptation is too keep increasing weight at all cost and form can suffer esp with back/ lat exercises.

Words of wisdom
DOMS will decrease as your training life increases - I am a big believer the back needs to be hit with heavy compound movements, DB Rows, Barbell Rows, Rack Pulls etc
Thx guys, will stick with it. Main goal with back atm is to get away from the bloody assisted pull-ups, and do em properly lol
Try negatives.

You beat me to it.

ditch the assisted, start stimulating growth, the best way is to emphasize the negative.

grab a stool, jump up 10 seconds to lower yourself to full stretch.
Jump up again, pause, then repeat, keep going until you cannot control your deccent the trick is not to rest.
my new favourite back exercise is dumbell rows on incline bench.

Just wanted to share my love for this exercise.
yes, dumbells are great for range of motion.

The thing I like about such an exercise is that I can use it as a base exercise at any gym; machines are so different you cannot compare the weight lifted.

The other benefit is that the great training effect I feel from the exercise. My chest remains firmly on bench, and i can really work back as good as any other exercise I have ever tried.

Follow this up with some machine work, medium and close grip pull downs, then finish up with upright rows. On another day, may start with upright rows and then do back.
Negatives a better path than assisted? Will def give them a shot

I prefer Dumbbells where possible, I feel like I am doing the same amount of work each side. I've done the same with chest, pretty much all dumbells on the bench
I'm the same, won't really feel soreness or DOMS after back day. Maybe swap out the hyper extensions for deadlifts.
As mentioned heavy compounds for back.
I usually hit up Deads or Rack Pulls, then T-Bar Rows, DB Rows and Barbell Rows.
Then do some Lat Pulldowns and Pullups.
Add negative chins mate instead of assisted chins.

Jump up and hold on in the top position of a chin up for as long as you can and lower as slow as possible. 4 sets of max on that & the muscles that you need for chins are being worked. The other stuff you have looks fine.