Hi All,
Been lurking for a while, first time posting - am really enjoying learning from alot of you.
I'm moving out of my apartment this week which currently has a .... semi-equipped gym and moving into a double garaged house (plus about a metre extra on the side of garage for storage etc..).
I've decided that im going to get some equipment for a home gym for me, the Wife and occasionally my brother.
Equipment i have;
- 6ft barbell with 95kg of weights (Standard sized) which i will be selling soon for an olympic set.
- dumbell handles to suit ^ weights
- Nice modern treadmill
- Home made 20",25", 30" 3-1 Plyo box
- 40 x rubber mats
- Punching Bag
Equipment i would like;
- Oly bumper plates n barbell.
- Power rack/Cage (with pullup bar and dip attachment)
- Excersise Bike / Spin bike
- Eliptical machine
- Cable crossover or similar
- Bench FID
- Rowing machine
I have a few questions though if anyone has some thoughts or advice on the different types of equipment.
Keep in mind that my goals are to build lean muscle and get to about 8-9% body fat aswell as toning and defining each muscle to look its best.
So pretty much asthetics not for competition or sport.....yet i guess..
1a) I've seen some power racks/cages with cable crossover's built onto them, 3 of which are listed below are among the 3 im considering (which of the 3 is best?), What are your thoughts on these verse's just a standard power rack or half rack.
https://www.renouffitnessequipment.com.au/shop/180pt-multi-functional-trainer/ ($1595 plus shipping)
http://www.gymandfitness.com.au/mon...ional-trainer-rack-smith-chin-core-combo.html ($1999 plus shipping)
http://www.gymandfitness.com.au/force-usa-power-rack-system-with-cable-crossover.html ($1495 plus shipping)
1b) Should i buy a seperate cable crossover instead of an all in one system.
2) Rowing machine's - which resistance types are better to have for a home gym in terms of reliablility and usefulness, Air Vs Magnetic (Not interested in water resistance....due to the cost)
3) Spin bike vs generic excersise bikes?
I've been on gumtree and ebay and the buy/sell section here to see whats floating around to get some bargains. Just in case anyone wants to know - im in Sydney.
Any thoughts/advice is welcomed and appreciated.
Been lurking for a while, first time posting - am really enjoying learning from alot of you.
I'm moving out of my apartment this week which currently has a .... semi-equipped gym and moving into a double garaged house (plus about a metre extra on the side of garage for storage etc..).
I've decided that im going to get some equipment for a home gym for me, the Wife and occasionally my brother.
Equipment i have;
- 6ft barbell with 95kg of weights (Standard sized) which i will be selling soon for an olympic set.
- dumbell handles to suit ^ weights
- Nice modern treadmill
- Home made 20",25", 30" 3-1 Plyo box
- 40 x rubber mats
- Punching Bag
Equipment i would like;
- Oly bumper plates n barbell.
- Power rack/Cage (with pullup bar and dip attachment)
- Excersise Bike / Spin bike
- Eliptical machine
- Cable crossover or similar
- Bench FID
- Rowing machine
I have a few questions though if anyone has some thoughts or advice on the different types of equipment.
Keep in mind that my goals are to build lean muscle and get to about 8-9% body fat aswell as toning and defining each muscle to look its best.
So pretty much asthetics not for competition or sport.....yet i guess..
1a) I've seen some power racks/cages with cable crossover's built onto them, 3 of which are listed below are among the 3 im considering (which of the 3 is best?), What are your thoughts on these verse's just a standard power rack or half rack.
https://www.renouffitnessequipment.com.au/shop/180pt-multi-functional-trainer/ ($1595 plus shipping)
http://www.gymandfitness.com.au/mon...ional-trainer-rack-smith-chin-core-combo.html ($1999 plus shipping)
http://www.gymandfitness.com.au/force-usa-power-rack-system-with-cable-crossover.html ($1495 plus shipping)
1b) Should i buy a seperate cable crossover instead of an all in one system.
2) Rowing machine's - which resistance types are better to have for a home gym in terms of reliablility and usefulness, Air Vs Magnetic (Not interested in water resistance....due to the cost)
3) Spin bike vs generic excersise bikes?
I've been on gumtree and ebay and the buy/sell section here to see whats floating around to get some bargains. Just in case anyone wants to know - im in Sydney.
Any thoughts/advice is welcomed and appreciated.
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