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New To Gym


New member
Hi I wasnt sure where to put this so i just chucked it up here.

Anyway this is my first post and here is a little bit about myself. Im just about to turn 18. Around 15 months ago i was about 6ft and 95kg's without any muscle mass really all fat haha. Since then i have grown to about 6ft 3inches or 188cm and at my lowest i was 59.5kg (a couple of weeks ago) which is extremely underweight and was around 3-4% bodyfat. It gave me a lot of health problems and i got sent to hospital after collapsing twice. I got addicted to losing weight and exercise doing 2 plus hours of cardio a day and eating around 1600 cals per day aswell as working as a bricklayer 6 days a week. Since being in hospital i have gotten my self a personal trainer who happens to be a mate of mine and he has wrote me up a diet plan and training plan. So Here it is any advice, criticism or opinions would be great!!

Cheers Sean

Diet Plan
Breakfast - 60g protein Shake and 60g oats or
- 2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites and 4 slices of wholemeal toast
Smoko- 150g brown rice + either 200g of chicken, turkey, grilled fish or tuna
Lunch- Same as smoko
Afternoon- (about 1 hour before i workout) - 2 peanut butter sandwiches wholemeal bread + 60g Protein shake
Post Workout - Post workout Shake (bsc recovery)
Dinner - Varies But toninght is 200g kangaroo steak + Vegies
Dessert - 60g protein shake + 1 tbsp of peanut butter

This works out to around 3300 cals
By the way i should mention that my calorie maintenance level is 2900 cal
And i use International Protein Synergy a sustained release protein powder. I obviously change the rice up with things like wholemeal pasta and Quinoa.

My Workouts:
- Legs and abs
- Chest and Triceps
- Back and Biceps
- Shoulders and abs
- 2 x 45 min cardio workouts per week

I have been changing what days i do what muscle groups because my Personal Trainer has been going through each one with me to make sure my technique is good.

Monday - resistance training
Tuesday - resistance training
Wednesday - 45 mins cardio
Thursday - resistance training
Friday - Rest
Saturday - PT session - resistance training
Sunday- 45 mins cardio
I will probably change friday to resistance training, saturday to cardio and sunday to a rest day though once ive finished my PT sessions.
The diet looks fine although too much bread for my liking but the workout oculd use major tweaking.

have a look that the sticky beginner workouts. They'll suit you much better than split body workouts at your weight and experience.