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Program Wanted

Most people recommend incline decline and all that other crap in reality if your new or getting back into weights doing flat bench is all you need. The purpose of incline and decline bench is to shape the muscles of the chest.

Because you only have 60kg of weight you are no where near pushing enough to think about shape.

Thats just my opinion tho as I said other people tend to say the opposite.
Yeah, I suppose shape is not that important....... I mean the rest of me is not shaped that well either
I am a skinny buid from waist down. Skinny legs.
My stomach needs reducing a bit. Need a good ab exercise. Any thoughts? I imagine just sit ups?
I have large shoulders from my young days surfing and roof carpenter (carrying timber) and arms are not to bad. just long. I am 6'1" tall and weigh NOW 90 kgs.
I am hooked on it (weights) but just need a good routine that only takes 30 mins (work, kids etc). I would do daily for each half (upper one day lower the next) with the weights I have.
The routine I recommended will also work your core muscles (abdominal region also all around the mid section) especially if you can do deadlifts and squats correctly.

If you want your abdominal muscles to show the only way is to reduce body fat%.
It sounds crazy easy but doing flat bench squats and deadlifts are really all you need to build a heap of muscle all over your body. You should do a google search on Starting Strength and also 5x5 madcow program. They use heavy compounds as the core and have a better explanation in the reading material than i can every provide.

Yes will do...... I read a book that I bought some tome ago and it states the same thing you just mentioned above. Only few exercises does all.

Many thanks
All helps. Will keep you updated.

Hi Kindred,

I managed to get hold of Starting Strength and 5x5 Madcow program. I think its a great program with diet, meals and all ready for me to start.
Three main exercises plus warm ups and some sit up work too!
I am going to start this next week.
Question: Which 'deadlift' exercise do I do? Do I start with a weight where I am exhausted at the end of the 3-5 sets??
Thanks Kindred and Shrek you have been a big help,

Exercise S&S

These are the exercises (below) that S&S recommened,

1. Could you please explain deadlift as per my last thread
2. What a Dip is and how?
3. Power Clean???
4. It says 'Press' 3 x 5 (workout B) would this be bench press still?
5. What is weighted hyper extensions??

Whats your opinion on this routine and how long do you do it for?

Sorry for the questions lads, but would rather ask than look up stuff that could be wrong.

Workout A

  • Squats: 3 x 5
  • Bench Press: 3 x 5
  • Deadlift: 1 x 5
  • Dips (weighted): 2 x 5-8
Workout B

  • Squats: 3 x 5
  • Press: 3 x 5
  • Power Clean: 3 x 5
  • Chin-ups: 3 x 8
Every Workout / Assistance Work / OPTIONAL

  • Weighted Sit-ups at a 45 degree angle on decline bench: 3 x 5
  • Weighted Hyper-extensions: 3 x 8
If you use the spreradsheet it will calculate all your weights for you. Punch in you 1rm and presto the whole 9 weeks worth of weights done. use the madcow spreadsheet
Many thanks

Thats great, thanks for that it will be a great help.

Cant wait to get into it. I am trying to create a diet/food plan as we speak.


Program for Oldie

I have started this routine you gave me. I have looked at the 5X5 and Starting Strength programs and have confused myself to no end.
Can I just do these routines every second day to build muscle all over (at 48) or do I have to change?

I need a power rack though. I tried to do squats and could not get the bar off me?? I squatted 45 kgs. Was too heavy for my pins......? Silly me.

I stuffed up my calcs when I told you what I was bench pressing. I bench 45 kgs (not 60 kgs) 5 sets of 10. After reading Starting Strength and 5x5 this is probably wrong. What do you advise?
I want to build up and are getting frustrated.
Your help is appreciated.
The only way to build up is to stick to it and read all the free info on exercises on the net in books from library etc. If your really desperate you can even try your luck with a personal trainer just for one session to explain different exercises. Personal trainers can be a waste of mony sometimes. It is much cheap just to stick with stuff over a long period of time an read about it a bit on forums like this.

Ok in your case id go even more simple. Do below exercises either on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Hack squats 2-3 sets of about 6-8 reps
Barbell Hack Squat

Deadlifts 2-3 sets of about 6-8 reps
Barbell Deadlift

Bench Press 2-3 sets of about 6-8 reps
Barbell Bench Press

An example:

Hack Squats
Bench Press

Hack Squats
Bench Press

Hack Squats
Bench Press

I hope that makes sense and helps you better than my previous advice. Hack Squats will be better for you if you dont have a squat rack. With deadlifts make sure the barbell is really close to you legs when you lift it the further away from your body the more likely you are to hurt yourself. Its ok to even be touching your legs as it comes up and goes down.
Last edited:
Program for Oldie


Thats awesome. Many thanks. Will start that. With the weights, should I try the 5x5 system? Correct me if I am wrong. I find the max rep weight I can do and reduce by 12% for each set leading up to max rep weight by the last set.
Does that sound correct?

Thanks for the links too. These will do my entire body still?


As a beginner the most important thing is to keep it simple. Also to get your mentality right. If you look at it as a job then you will probably end up quiting. If you look at it as a hobby/something to pass the time/destress after a long day at work etc etc then you will probably stick it out long enough to learn more.

Just because a workout is short doesnt mean its not doing you any good.
Program for Oldie

Thanks Kindred (do you have a first name/)

With the weights, should I try the 5x5 system? Correct me if I am wrong. I find the max rep weight I can do and reduce by 12% for each set leading up to max rep weight by the last set.
Does that sound correct?
I have been doing basic bench press, overhead dumbells (triceps) and dumbell curls since last November. I enjoy it too. Was never sure I was doing the right thing though. I neglected my legs?
I am a Copper and need destressing after work........
Cheers again,
I dont think ill mention my name because i have said stupid stuff about my work and workmates on here and dont want to pay the price if someone starts connecting the dots... anyway. Hang on i probably shouldnt have made those you tubes haha anyway...

Experiment with the weight dont bother with exact %s cause that never ends well.

5x5 is good for intermediate trainees
Starting Strength is good for beginners
The thing i suggested was because you dont have a cage

If you really want to add stuff id switch the triceps thing your doing now with close grip bench press.

Sweet, will do. I am looking for a cage in the meantime. Hope the dots dont get you in the end. LOL

Will keep you updated (if you like)

many thanks again.. whoever you are

Hey Kinred,
Mate have been doing well with this. Does doing bench press give me the necessary exercise to build biceps, shoulders and obviously chest???
What else does it build? Do i need to do more?
