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quattro protein

Yikes - got this last night at last, and adding 2 full scoops (about 70gms) to low fat milk, it tastes horrible. Far too sweet and reminds me of that disgusting Weider protein I used to force down in the late 80's.

how much milk? Would have to be at least a litre to get the right taste? 70grams is a lot of protein powder...

Yeah, maybe that is the problem. Just following the instructions, but they don't mention how much fluid to mix with. Only used 4-500mls (my usual amount), so was gonna cut the powder qty in half and try that.

Edit: just tried with 600mls milk, half powder. Better, but still horrible - this stuff is nowhere near as tasty as any no-name bulk powder I've ever tried from this country. And it's at least double the price (normally).
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