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Starting Strength


New member
Hey guys,

I'm relatively new to the forum, only registered a few days ago but been lurking for a while. Just a bit of background information, i'm around 172cm and 66kg atm. I did a cut and lost 4kg over 2 months using leangains protocol which is a forum of intermittent fasting. I've been lifting for a while now but haven't made much of progress, I was doing bodybuilding splits for around 6 months and didn't make much gains at all so i've decided to jump onto starting strength and i've been working out fasted first thing in the morning lately.

I kinda switched up a bit, instead of deadlifting on bench day I deadlift on rows day, that won't make much difference right? So basically my workout will be:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
3x5 Pendlay Row

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

(switched deadlift for pendlay from workout A to B)

My current numbers for the lifts are:

Pendlay Row:45kg

My bench is kind of low atm as I dropped from 55kg to pratice squeezing in my shoulder blades which im trying to master atm LOL. I was also wondering if I could add some assitance exercises for my arms as my arms are massively lacking. So my workout would be like this:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
3x6 Weighted Dips
2x10 Tricep pushdown

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
3x5 Pendlay Row
3x6 Pull ups
1 set of chin ups to failure
2x10 db bicep curls

Do you guys think thats alright? And i'll also be training every 2nd day, this won't be overtraining right? I was browsing on the forum and i saw someones post where they said since i'm squatting such a low weight it won't be as taxing on my CNS or something along the lines of that.

Thanks guys :)

EDIT: I've also decided im going to switch from cutting 500 below calories to maintenance on my non working and probably +15/20% of maintenace on workout days. Thoughts?
2nd EDIT: I've decided to switch back to the normal SS routine LOL after speculating my self, I were to do pull ups/chin ups and bicep curls rather do it ont he day i'm doing pendlay row which is already working my back! Tohughts again guys?
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Do the program as intended and stop trying losing weight and focus on progressing your lifts. You are 66kg get to 80 (without getting fat) and decide where you want to go from there.
I would do the program as intended and eat like a mofo. That's what i'm doing and it has worked fairly well so far just look at my log.
Orighty then, I was just worried about losing arm size as my arms are already lacking majorly and i'm also worried about gaining alot of fat. I have a skinny fat complexion with thin bones so.. tahts like the worse kind of body.
$100 says you won't ever eat enough to get fat while training.

And odds are at 66kg you don't have any size to begin with, let alone lose
Yeah I had the same worries. I am also skinny fat but I found once I actually started putting on more mass I actually became less skinny fat.

You will put on size I have put on about 1" on my arms but I don't really care that much. A lot of people have mentioned how I have put on a bit of general size as well but that's always going to be noticble when you put on weight.
Well im around 172cm tall so thats not very tall either, When I first started gym i was eating like nuts and my stomach got even bigger than it was before I started the gym. Doing IF atm has really helped reduced alot of fat so far tho!
As mentioned by all before, do program as intended and don't over think it.

Eat at maintenance +10% everyday. Cycling calories on a daily basis is just way to much micromanagement for no extra gains/benefit. You are not going to be gaining much fat at +10% of maintenance but it will support muscle hypertrophy, training adaptations and training progression at close to optimum levels.

Unless you need to drop fat/weight (at 60kgs you are already a Melbourne Cup winning jockey) for some particular reason, there is not any point eating/being in a calorie deficit.
$100 says you won't ever eat enough to get fat while training.

And odds are at 66kg you don't have any size to begin with, let alone lose

This. I went from 50kg - 65kg in a year eating stupid amounts of calories and didn't get fat. Abs actually started to show through more. Gaining weight is the hardest thing I've ever done, I dunno how fatties do it
Hurray for us skinnies :p

I'm the same, abs are more visible at 77-78kg than they were at 72-73 (when I was sub 70 it was a different story)
I guess it really depends on your body type, everyones different really. As i mentioned before im skinny fat with endormorphic traits and sadly also a very thin bonsd structure. My drop from 70 to 66.5ish kg has led to me seeing my abs first time
in my life haha
Hurray for us skinnies :p

I'm the same, abs are more visible at 77-78kg than they were at 72-73 (when I was sub 70 it was a different story)

Same, more visible at 90kg than at 72kg :P. But it's probably because my fat is being stored downstairs :(

This. I went from 50kg - 65kg in a year eating stupid amounts of calories and didn't get fat. Abs actually started to show through more. Gaining weight is the hardest thing I've ever done, I dunno how fatties do it

And I don't know how you skinnies remain so lean :(
Well I do a lot of cardio and general conditioning like cycling, sprinting, gardening etc
Like I have some pet sheep now and I was trying to round them up the other day chasing them up and down this fucking hill, eventually I decided the dog could help but then he didn't really know what to do and just chased them so I had to run after the dog as well as he was ignoring me lol
Firstly congrats on seeing the light and making the change...

The hardest thing for me about Starting strength is forcing myself to not add excercises...

I use the Wichita falls version...
FAQ:The Program - Starting Strength Wiki
Wichita Falls Novice ProgramEdit

Squat 3x5
Bench press/press 3x5 (alternating)
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

Squat 3x5
Press/bench press 3x5 (alternating)
Deadlift 1x5/Powerclean 5x3 (alternating)

Squat 3x5
Bench press/press 3x5 (alternating)
Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

I did read a comment by Rip that you can add some bicep and tri work or whatever on the 3rd day which is followed by 2 days rest...

However Ive found Adding extra training to your tri's will send you backwards... Tri's get smashed when you do your bench and press work...

It may not feel like it now... But rest assured they are getting a very full work out...