So why is Australia blocking guys that want to go over and fight for these blokes. Let them go over there then block them from coming back.
We are told by our politicians as well as by Muslim community leaders such as Dr. Rifi that this is a tough one. It's a catch 22 they say. If you let them leave to fight on the side of IS, then they pose a threat to our interests overseas. If you leave them here, they have the potential to do harm.
Personally, I say who ever wants to go and fight should be able to do so, just as a Jewish person goes from here to join the IDF. I heard that yes, but there's a difference here. One is going to join a legitimate army, whilst the other is going to join a terrorist group. Whoever came up with that has failed to check that there are people who want to go and join the FSA, which is (as everyone here should know), is on the side of the US. So this begs the question: is the Australian government simply banning anyone within a certain age group from going to certain parts of the middle east because they ...
a) don't trust or believe these young men when they say they want to fight on the good guys' side instead of the terrorists' side,
or b) does the Australian government lack the necessary experience which would enable it to deal with this dilemma of, do we let them go or do we ban them from going in the first place?
I think it's a great mistake building your house under a simmering volcano. Common sense dictates that it's not a matter of if but when, when will this volcano erupts. And who gets the blame when it does?
I remember Mr. Abbott telling us all Team Australia to be ever vigilant and report to police whatever we perceive as being of a suspicious nature. Really Mr. Abbott!!!!!
Last time I checked, it was your government and judiciary that let the whole of Team Australia down big friggin time Sir, when you knew about a nut case who did his deed at Martin Place. Hey Mr. Abbott, I and my family are all vigilant and will remain so,...I just hope you and your government are as vigilant and caring about the average Jo as I (and my Team Australia) is!