not many people will know before, that's probably why the started calorie restriction - to undo the work of many months/years of un-metered calorie intake.
I'm 6'1" and at the moment 89kg. before weight was 97kg, after weight will hopefully be 82-84kg. I hit 87kg a month ago and was so tired, mentally drained and hormonally whacked out from a few months of calorie deficit that i decided to take a break from strict dieting and calorie counting and just go to maintenance - this didn't work as well as i had hoped and i just put 5kg back on. very frustrating and disappointing so i'm currently back in the "during" phase and re-doing the work i did 3 months ago but without the rookie mistakes...
before: guessing it was about a 3000cal average including the occasional 4000+ day of feasting and a lot of cardio (an average of 10hrs per week on the bike).
during: 2000cal average which over the course of a week is typically ~4days of 1700 (mon->thurs) and 3 days of 2400 (fri->sun). I love a medium breakfast, no lunch and a massive dinner (that's just how i roll) so i'm typically aiming for 600cals at breakfast and 1000cals at dinner then a few liquid snacks along the way (coffee/cocoa + milk, miso soup, etc).
after: ~2300cal average, though this is the hardest part for me - i find it much easier mentally to say to myself that i am trying to lose weight than to maintain. when the rules are lax and i'm not counting cals then it's so much easier for me to line up day after day of 2500+cals without planning, realising or being accountable. also, last time i tried to enter a "maintenance" period, i just added lunch back into my diet but i still had the appetite to eat a 1000calorie dinner every night which meant 2500+cals every day that i had lunch.
one of the biggest things i have learnt is that being satisfied by what you eat is in no way proportional to how much you eat and in most cases it's more to do with what you eat. for me at least, it's like the mentality whereby the last tiny spoonful of dessert is so much more satisfying than the first massive one... I now know that i have trigger foods that only make me hungrier (the first handful of nuts leads to many, many more handfuls of nuts) and that fasting can be so much more satisfying than a poor or disappointing meal.
getting over the mentality that i need to eat a certain amount to be satisfied has been huge.