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Why do so many people train on the same stupid split routine?


What about your 'bros' at school?

Most don't squat, most can bench way more than me which pisses me off ! Ask how much I bench and they think nothing of it but when I tell them I squat or deadlift about 50% more than theirs they see it as nothing or say i'm going to stunt my growth :L

One told me they squat 120 in sets. I asked them how the squatted and he squatted maybe 8 inches down lol
Fixed... Yeah, shit just got real.


lol, yeah squatting can be exhausting, could hold back bench when your going heavy. How many times a week they bench?

Also, for those that are on splits, don;t your legs feel raped the day after you squat? Hard to walk cos of doms?

lol, yeah squatting can be exhausting, could hold back bench when your going heavy. How many times a week they bench?

Also, for those that are on splits, don;t your legs feel raped the day after you squat? Hard to walk cos of doms?

Yeah I guess, I usually bench first for one day then the other day I bench after squats.

They usually just have like a chest day so once i guess. Just lucky genetics, i'm genetically weaker in chest than other parts of my body, legs are probably a strong point for me
Sam heihei, can i suggest that you just do your own thing and not give a fuck what other people do?

People want to do a split, let them. People want to squat 6 inches deep, let them.

It doesn't affect you at all, so why does it matter?
When I was in hs everyone was talking bench. If i heard someones bench and I would try it at home; I had the mentality that if I couldn't do it, neither could they.

I made great bench gains

Guess what, I didn't have a rack and couldn't clean much so my squat training sucked and I still suck at squats! Now playing catch up

Act older than your age, use your youth to build total strength and ignore the petty strength arguments!
Sam heihei, can i suggest that you just do your own thing and not give a fuck what other people do?

People want to do a split, let them. People want to squat 6 inches deep, let them.

It doesn't affect you at all, so why does it matter?

Maybe if you actually read my following posts you would understand what i'm trying to say here. It actually does affect me and i'm ranting because all I ever get is shit from others about how shit my routine is, you might sit there and think so what but i have the right to ask just as well as you have the right to sit there and tell me to shut up and let them do it, The title might be a bit misleading but all I wanted to know was why people train the same split routine, and why its suggested to beginners.

If a guy is sitting there telling me I train for strength and I can only squat x amount compared to them obviously i'm not going to sit there and agree with them every time someone says it especially when their bragging about something they probably have done no research on.

I'm not bagging out spits as i pointed out before as well, i know splits have their place just like full body routines do. In the future i will probably do some split routine work as well.

Keep in mind i'm at school and theres a shit load of people who hit 16 join the first gym they see, do no research and just follow what their friends are doing, when someone is actually doing something different they always see the need to bag it out or try and prove that theirs is better.

So really, I am doing my thing, i'm asking questions on a public forum to further extend my knowledge which i bet none of those other kids are doing right now.
Sam, what are your lifting goals and how long have you been doing full body routines?

hit all intermediate lifts. 6 months, started on a split similar to the one the post is about for a month without doing much research then converted.
Where do you want to go from there?

Slowly try to improve further until the football off season, where I might start cutting weight depending on what happens with representative teams and positions for next year, if i'm playing in forwards i'll probably bulk further and try to get stronger. If theres no football for a while i'll probably cut the weight but stick with the same routine so far since i'm probably not going to be able to do anything but maintain as much strength as possible.

Depending on how much I cut and what happens next season I might go onto a split/isolation program from there. It all depends on what happens in the future

I did read your posts. It affects you because you LET it. I was offering you advice. One day you won't give a shit about what people think and then you'll understand where I'm coming from.

You'll understand when you are older and wiser. Until then, there isn't really much point me saying any more.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe this body parts combination began back in the late 70s early 80s, as one of the most popular bodybuilders back then Mr Frank Zane (Mr Olympia) used to combine them that way. The idea was to take injury prevention into consideration here, since the shoulder joints would have warmed up well after doing the chest, and the triceps/elbow joints would have also warmed up after doing some shoulder movements.

Now everyone has their particular reason for performing their split (if there was going to be a split) in a certain manner. There's not much that is an absolute correct or an absolute wrong way in the sport of bodybuilding. The ultimate program for each and every bodybuilder out there is exactly the same (even though it's not the "same") and that in a word is called: change. A change from what you're currently doing that is. As someone once said, the best program for you is the program you're not doing.

Bodybuilders are humans too, and humans as a rule do not like change, especially when something has worked for them for a time. Sometimes it takes a nudge from a friend to say hey, have you tried this or that, and before you know it, you're on a roll and a whole new program... with new added muscles to show for your (changed) effort.

A split, even one that you don't think much of, can work wonders for someone out there. So my advice is to always keep your options open and never be so rigid in either your thinking/belief or in your training regimen. A tree that bends with the wind will always outstand a solid and stiff tree that is a disaster waiting to crash down when enough wind (gale force) hits town.

Flexibility in both mind and body would always win the day over rigidity.

As the late Bruce Lee puts it: "be like water my friend", after having demonstrated how water can take the shape of everything it is put into.

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I gather you like the Smith machine? God that workout makes me cringe.

i find it helps me squeeze out one more rep in most sets, especially since i don't have a training partner.
why does it make you cringe? think i'm hitting my chest too much? imo it's a weak area of mine. it's catching up n my next major focus will be my back, but for now, the pecs is where it's at for me

Can't remeber your routine, but smith machines are bad, they don't let you follow the nature 'flow/curves' of the body with those movements, that might be why.