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workout program


New member
Gday everyone just after opinions on my workout


squats - 45kg no incl bar 3 x 8
bent over row 32 no incl bar 3x8
bench 65 bar 3 x 8 fail last set 7
shoulder press 12.5 dumbell 8 7 5
crunches 2 x 40

65kg - body fat?
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Okay, I will try to make it clearer for you.

  1. Sit on bum + eat little = get small and weak
  2. Sit on bum + eat lots = get big belly and weak
  3. Lift heavy + eat little = get small but strong, but reach a limit with strength
  4. Lift heavy + eat lots = get big muscles and strong
It sounds like you want to get big muscles, being really strong comes with that, I hope you won't mind. To do that,

lift like an ox
eat like a horse
sleep like a log

and the five lifts mentioned are good ones for that.

You should have a look around at some other threads, lots of info for you.
1. Add Pull Ups and Dips and lose the crunches.
2. Start counting the bloody BAR!
Ah, he's edited to note the weights used.

Yes, count the bar. Does it count? Well, hit yourself in the head with it, does it seem heavy now? :) A traditional 7ft olympic bar, if there is a smooth space in the middle it weighs 15kg, if the smooth space has hatching in the middle, it weighs 20kg. If it's some bar you use at home, just weigh it.

Don't worry about bodyfat percentage. It's easier to lose fat than gain big legs, back and chest. Get big and strong first, worry about your sixpack later.
kyle shoud have been a writer!!! what a way with words :) almost as good as mills and boons. :p

on a serious note, you are off to a great start. keep it up. eat heaps, lift as heavy as you can with good form.
just like to add that now is the time to get your technique right while u can as your not yet pushing near your limits (where sometimes the techniques go out the window)