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1RM vs Max Reps

Fadi, as i consider myself more of a powerlifter, than a bodybuilder....a 'weightlifter' as i think you meant, do you think my rep range should 'USUALLY' stay under 6 reps? That's like...85% of my 1RM yeah ?
Powerlifting is VERY different to weighlifting, dont confuse the two. Either way if you are training for strength I would keep the reps in the 1-5 range, and heavy.
Unless your using 85% of your 1RM, your not going to be getting stronger, regardless of the rep range
Fadi, as i consider myself more of a powerlifter, than a bodybuilder....a 'weightlifter' as i think you meant, do you think my rep range should 'USUALLY' stay under 6 reps? That's like...85% of my 1RM yeah ?

Correct PowerBuilder. To get stronger, you would need to structure your training around what is called a microcycle (weekly) and a macrocycle (4 weeks) time periods. Within this micro and macro cycle your workout load would be based on your 1RM. And as Markos has already stated, your rep percentages should be hovering from around the 80 to the 95% of your 1RM. That does not mean an all out effort day in and day out as with that old bodybuilding saying of "no pain no gain" nonsense. No, your intensity depending on your need and level of experience would by necessity increase and decrease within those cycles I mentioned above. That's what is termed as periodisation in the sport of weightlifting (and I'm sure powerlifting as well).

In addition, your 1RM is not your ultimate best PowerBuilder, there's something called supermaximum rep and that takes you to the unchartered waters of 105%+ of the 1RM. If for example you came up with 200kg squat and then attempted 205/210kg and went down in a very controlled manner resisting gravity (eccentric portion of the lift) and came up 1/4 of the way before having to dump it; that would be a supermaximum effort. The mere fact that you controlled 210kg in the eccentric phase of the lift would qualify it as going beyond a 1RM ( as far as training is concerned, not that your 1RM is equal to 210kg now).

As far as muscle failure is concerned; I've learnt long time ago that the only time you have total muscular failure is (God forbid) when you're dead. However for our intense and purposes here, if I can complete a full rep (albeit hard), then that would constitute a rep "below failure" with one rep still remaining in the tank and that's exactly how I like to train.

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thats some AWESOME lifts!!!

Well thank you Lucku, I'm glad you think so. It would’ve been nice to have continued for few more years and at least do triple bodyweight squats. But as I've already commented about myself: young, naive, and stupid.

That's why a mature advice based on experience is worth its weight in gold (if only the young ones realise it).

So you went onto Bodybuilding after weightlifting Fadi. What did you achieve in Bodybuilding? Did you actually compete?
So you went onto Bodybuilding after weightlifting Fadi. What did you achieve in Bodybuilding? Did you actually compete?

No Josh I didn't compete. What I've achieved was self satisfaction, that was enough for me and it is a state that I'm still content with.

Coming from a very objective sport to one that (in my opinion) is very subjective, I could not get myself to compete in such an atmosphere (irrespective of how many well meaning friends encouraged me to do so).Having said that Josh, I would help anyone who feels that they can enter the subjective arena that is the bodybuilding stage.

Yeah I agree, given the amount of drugs around in BB is it really fair if you are doing it the Natural way? For the record, seeing that pic you posted you would have done very well. Do you have any pics of when you were younger and bodybuilding? I'd love to see a pic of those 28" shredded thighs.
Yeah I agree, given the amount of drugs around in BB is it really fair if you are doing it the Natural way? For the record, seeing that pic you posted you would have done very well. Do you have any pics of when you were younger and bodybuilding? I'd love to see a pic of those 28" shredded thighs.

There's always the natural bodybuilding contests Josh. As for my thighs, I had a video cassette that was taped over (which I was not impressed about to say the least). No other photos. I'm not much into these things to be honest.

I'm weighing 80kg at the moment. When I aim to put on some size agian (soon), I'll take my bodweight to 90kg and then I may take few shots for you.

Thank you.
