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decent program without bench/OH?

Alpha Moth

New member
Recovering from a shoulder impingement, these are the exercises that I can feel that hurt my shoulder, other stuff like pull ups/chin ups seem to be ok. Just want to lay off them for a few months, kinda shitty because I really wanted to improve my chest, oh well.

Have no idea how I should go about it...ideas would help.

BB Row

push ups
Dips (maybe)
Triceps Isolation

Squat (limiting them because I don't like pulling my arms back to get into position)
calf raises
pull ups

How do cable flies go in terms of shoulder aggravation?

inb4 squat more
I'd do Madcow's 5x5 without the benching. I'd do chin ups after rows on the monday friday and whatever pressing movement you can manage (dips, push ups) on the wednesday.
if you've got shoulder trouble i wouldn't do dips, otherwise everything else looks the goods
Use a SSB (safety squat bar) for squats if you have access. I used it for about 6 months after my impingement issues. Works a treat.

What caused your problem?? Mine was bench. Even in full recovery I still won't try to bench, just don't want that time out again.