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How to meet new friends?


New member
Im a social outcast. I have no idea how to meet new people. Does anyone have any advice? I believe my lack of social skills is the root of all my insanity.
Go out. Meet friends.

Get a social hobby, join a busy gym, join a PL team, learn to play pool and hang out at a bar (I met lots of people at my old local through playing pool), take a class in something.
join up with some social clubs , like a local adventure club (walking , cycling , hiking etc) , social sports like tag football or something
find your local community centre and look at what classes they have running
I dont have a big social life anymore..

Be happy with your self first because people come and go..

I have 3 close friends on the GC, about half a dozen in Briz (incl. family) and the rest are spread over Australia and the world. The most regular social interaction I get it is either with my wife or my training partner.

Count back 5-6 years and I could name 20-30 people who I was close with and saw regularly but real-life eventually catches up with everybody and we all have to follow our own paths.
Change what your doing now...it obviously isn't working, whatever that may be. n00bs is right though, if your not happy with yourself, people are going to sense that. Be happy with yourself and that happiness will draw others towards you as well.
I'm an introvert , people just give me the shits , I hate all the small talk chit chat that you have to do "how about the weather " meh that just pisses me off

When i do meet others they think i am shy , it's not that i am shy i just can't be fucked talking unless i have something worthwhile to talk about
Being happy with yourself etc is important, but if you're sitting at home alone every night it is hard to be all smiles.

What have you had an interest in/wanted to do? Throughout uni I have been limited by financial circumstances, so when I finish in a few weeks and begin working I will be getting into all the things I wanted to but couldn't.

Might not help you, but here are some of mine:

Krav Maga / Boxing
Get scuba cert
Olympic lifting
Rock climbing
Team sport... probably aim for mixed touch football/oztag.

Most of these can be done on your own, but should place you around like minded people with at least one similar interest. Even if I don't meet any new friends doing them, I'm still doing a load of kick ass shit I've always wanted to do :D
because I'm killing time:

I was a loner throughout high school. I always had a couple of friends but most weekends were spent by myself.

Really came to my own at uni. Simply by just asking people what degree they do I made friends with a lot of people from out of town, and interestingly enough people who are very like minded.

I don't think I'm the most sociable person and its hard to say what I do. Generally I start conversation with some kind of ice breaker. I avoid difficult topics (eg politics) and try to pace myself based on how they talk, I also try not to be weird and if the person feels uncomfortable I give them space. Its all very subtle but hey - practice.
How about a dancing club? You'll shed a few kgs and meet some chicky babes. Make sure to post vids of your moonwalk, robot and cha-cha-cha!