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its a good thing i used to do legs on mondays.. The squat rack and leg presses are always free while people fight over the chest benches. Thank god for the 95% of people that dont do legs
Yes, God bless those guys. Pussy's.
It is funny! I think that the 5% of people who actually do legs are the only people there to train, i was talking some people at the gym the other night giving them some tips, as soon as i finished they whined about how much it would hurt!!!! Well is that not the reason that we train?? to make it hurt!
No, I train to get stronger. If it hurts I'm doing it wrong. Legs, chest or back, it's all the same. Stress not strain, discomfort not pain.
No, I train to get stronger. If it hurts I'm doing it wrong. Legs, chest or back, it's all the same. Stress not strain, discomfort not pain.

Hurting does not mean hurting in a bad way... hurting means... pain from the muscles because you are working it! there is a difference!
Yes pain, I know about pain. If it's not hurting your not pushing hard enough.

Not pain from bad form, pain from pushing yourself.
Yes pain, I know about pain. If it's not hurting your not pushing hard enough.

Not pain from bad form, pain from pushing yourself.

Thankyou josh! In ANY sport there will always be pain from pushing your body beyond what you think it can do!
I don't like wearing high heels either!!!

I've been squatting at least 3 times a week for..well, most of this year & a lot of last year. My gym's cool...i get the power rack pretty much whenever i want it. Oddly enough, there aren't many boys who try to do curls in there. I growled at someone once...so maybe they got the message?!
Well I am about to start squatting 3 times a week. It seems daunting!!!!
There are various ways to squat multiple times a week. 5x5 is often referred to as a good starting point.

One method I use time after time, is squatting 4 times a week, using 70%, 75%, 80% & 85% using key set/rep's so as to be able to come back for more.

Don't feel worried or scared. Feel excited. You'll be squatting in a week, what pussy's in yoru gym, doing 15 sets of dumbbell curls do in a year!
I will just be squatting as heavy as I possibly can 3 times a week. No messing around with any of the % stuff. I will do a warm up and then 5 working sets with the exception of one set a week being x20. I will start that at 80kg I reckon.

I am going to have a crack at 1RM's once every two weeks. Tomorrow night will be my first time, 140kg here I come!
You guys are crazy doing squats 3x per week, I'm doing a warmup set of 15 reps on 80kg, then 3x8reps on the heaviest I can possibly manage once a week, That's generally Thursday night and I STILL ache until at least Tuesday no matter what, My legs get such incredible DOMS it's not funny I don't think I'm stretching right?
I do some light stretching and a warm up set and I am into it.

I have been squatting for a while now and I get a little bit of tightness the day after and maybe even the second day and that is about it. That is amongst alot of other stuff we did for legs.

Leg Press
Until about 6 weeks ago I did no stretching. I just warmed up with an empty bar and slowly increases the weights up to my work set.

In Feb of this year I injured my back (compressed disc L4/L5) and found myself in unbearable pain when squatting with weight above 120kg. The pain was almost constant and anything that loaded my spine would leave me with unbearable sciatica. After 6 months of physio/chiro/doctors and various other shit to try and sort me I started Olympic weightlifting and was give a number of strectches to do by the coach, it takes about 15 mins before & after my workout.

I now have almost no pain, and if I do i is from sitting incorrectly rather than weight training. In fact my back now feels at its best when I am lifting. I'm also now squatting heavy 4-5 times a week again.

I have found streching of great benifit.
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Morgan, perhaps you could alternate your heavy days with lighter and higher rep days. Building muscular endurance, from what I've heard and experienced, seems to help recovery after heavy workouts. Fadi recently wrote about this, I think.
Stretching the quadriceps and their antagonists, the hamstrings is paramount if you want to avoid lower back as well as patella problems of the knees. You'd be surprised how all is connected. If for example your trapeziues are tight, your shoulder joints will be aching a bit, if your gluteus are tight, your hamstrings will be also etc.

Please note: best NOT to stretch when completely cold though.

Morgan, perhaps you could alternate your heavy days with lighter and higher rep days. Building muscular endurance, from what I've heard and experienced, seems to help recovery after heavy workouts. Fadi recently wrote about this, I think.
I do legs once a week, it includes 3 sets of squats/deadlifts, leg curls and SM calf raises, I do squats one week then deads the next to try and change it up, deads give me no DOMS whatsoever, squats kill me for 5 days afterwards...

Right now for example, If I had some axe murderer chase me and I see a see of stairs as my only escape I would fall down and let them have me... I nearly have to crawl up stairs and I did legs over 72 hours ago
I think if you did squats once a week you would find DOMS would decrease. If I leave legs for 2 weeks I get major DOMS afterwards. I am curious why you drop squats for deads on your leg day?

If you do any lift just once a fortnight you will have doms. I'd say the reason you have noDOMS after deads is due to your squatting action having alot of lower back in it.