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Need some chest exercise advice


New member
Hi guys,

Like many of us I've got the man boobs goin' atm, I haven't been trying to lower my bodyfat since I started going to the gym 7 months ago so I know that has something to do with it, I'm 6'2" and sitting around 82kg, not sure of current bf but it'd be over 10% for sure.

I'm looking for advice on how to target the middle of the chest around the nipple area and the lower chest. I know with doing incline bench, flat bench and chest press with dbs my upper chest is looking good and feels quite tight but not sure on how to get the regions I mentioned.

I'd appreciate some tips.

Google erx.net and you'll see heaps of exercises for each body part, as well as vids.

There are 3 kinds of dips;

Bench dips, with hands on a bench and lower your legs down (primary target triceps)

Parallel bar dips, upright (mainly tris) and leaning forward (chest)
Try decline bench press, there's one at my gym, I've never tried it out but it targets the lower chest area apparently.

Listen to Andy, flyes directly hit the pecs over any other exercise. But I would suggest a beginners program for you because you are 82kg at 6'2 and I would assume over 15% BF if you still have a little man boobs. Get stronger overall and you will grow naturally overall once you are out of beginner stage look to the big lifts with assistance work like flyes.

Thanks guys, like I said I've been gyming for 7 months now so I'm relatively ocnfident there and have seen my body changing and my lifts getting bigger and better. Recently joined a new gym, apparently they have great trainers who are happy to help anytime so I'll start the flys when I go there. Thanks!
Hey David

What was your Physique and lifts like 7months ago?

Well when I initially started I only used the machines at my gym, doing full body workouts just to help my body get used to the exercises and working the muscles. I can't remeber the exact weights I'd use on the machines and I guess every brand would be slightly different.

I've only started to use bench presses in the last 2-3 months, probably started with 5kg on each side of the bar, now using around 15kg on each side to get started and dropping down to 7.5 or 5kg.
Sounds like a good effort on bench. I'm noob and trying to figure out why your deloading?

How do you perform full body exercises on a mschine?
Sounds like a good effort on bench. I'm noob and trying to figure out why your deloading?

How do you perform full body exercises on a mschine?

If by deloading you mean drop sets, I personally feel that it helps me really fatigue the muscles I'm targetting that day, feels silly sometimes only using 2 or 4kg dumbells but if it helps get that last bit of energy out of the muscles then so be it.

In regards to full body workout , you use different machines e.g. one for legs, one for chest, bis etc.