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Strength & Conditioning for footballers

Just had a boy who played for the Northern Bullants last season call me. He signed with Frankston last night, he is 19, just missed a spot on the Blues list this year.

He knows he still has a chance, he starts at PTC tomorrow.

Good luck to the fella. Hope it works out for him.
Here is an updated list of the footballers training between 4.30pm and 6.00pm, we are in our 3rd week now I think

Steve - 18, has not missed one session, Frankston Dolphins
Will - 15, has done 4 consecutive sessions since starting, Coaches son, South Mornington
Matt - 16, just finished first week, Peninsula School
Tyson - 19, ex Bullants, signed with Dolphins, first session yesterday
Corey - 15, just missed cut at Stingrays, hopes to get drafted, starts tomorrow.

So with a list of 45 players, and a team that finished last, the only 2 Dolphins boys are one that played 2 seconds games last year, and one that signed up on Monday.

There season finished 6 weeks ago.
The assistant S & C coach for the local team's junior development program came in last night. As we worked up to a grand total of 80kg on the deadlift for sets of 5 and 30kg in the overhead press it struck me that this really is arse backwards.

I commend the guy on seeking out lifting skills that he can pass on, and he is just an unpaid assistant, its his friend who is in charge, but this is a massive insult to strength development. In the club's wisdom, they outsource the physical development during the regular season to PT's at the commercial facility next door to the club (a sponsor). I'm assured it involves quote, "mostly core work and conditioning". The decision to outsource is a board decision. They wouldn't know any better, I can see that, and apparently nobody at the whole club who should see how substandard this is either knows about it or is bothered to say anything or; I'm sad to say, recognizes it.

The never ending supply of skinny weak kids continues, assured by this model.
I was trying to explain to the Dolphins coach about the difference between us and Core, which is a local spa that sponsors the Dolphins.

It was hard for him to imagine, so I got Max out to demonstrate our sitting box jump. To say he was amazed was an understatement. I explained that I had 6-7 guys thast can do that easily, that I need higher boxes.

None of his paid footballers were interested in trying, even when I halved the height.

I explained that it was a demonstration of athletic ability and that his players actually had none. He is struggling to understand how weak and unathletic his players are.

He has passed my number onto a few younger local kids, they outnumber his own players at my sessions.
It seems to me that the first football institution that can actually get serious about teaching their players how to get strong and fast will very quickly crush the other teams.

Getting that to happen is another story, as it requires a gentle balance of inspiration, belligerence, education, mockery and salesmanship.
I tell my rugby players that what u do now - in the off-season - will determine how good your season is next yr - if your not willing to put in the hard work now dont expect any rewards next season.

Some players have it (not many) and some players just dont have it (alot)...
Matt and Tyson were no shows tonight.

Steve and Will were there, plus Corey the new boy, he chucked lol

They wanted to test their 20m time. Corey had just had his done at a camp, he got 3.30sec on electronic timing gear

Will 3.47sec
Corey 3.37sec
Steve 3.16sec

They wanted to see Jesse do it, he'd just finished a 1 hour session

He clocked 2.84sec without extending himself, has done 2.71sec before

I have had around 6 kids with official electronic times at PTC, I've never clocked a tenth out from their official times, ever.

Jesse raced Corey coz his dad wanted to see the difference in distance, it was around 4m in 20m.

Max still has the fastest time I've ever clocked....2.69sec
The draft camp record is now 2.75sec, but thats an official time through electronic gates, Max's is still hand held stop watch.

Interestingly, I clocked him at 11.4 for the 100m, and it took him a while to respond to my GO call from 100m away lol
That is what you call athletic ability if you can do 2.7sec 20's. 100m is still about top end speed. With a bit of training, 11.0 should be achievable, a stat a lot would be jealous of.
The draft camp record is now 2.75sec, but thats an official time through electronic gates, Max's is still hand held stop watch.

Interestingly, I clocked him at 11.4 for the 100m, and it took him a while to respond to my GO call from 100m away lol

Next time maybe use arm signals.
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I did, I yelled go and dropped my arm, there is still a delayed reaction from 100m away.

still quick though lol, bitumen and sneakers

Grand Final sprint was won in mid 12's
Also never the same as the jump you get from a loud gun shot.

Do you know if the other dolphins players still go to the health spa to lift?
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What are the chances of you getting the whole team down for a session together? Have you brought this up with coaches at all?
Dim will deadlift 200kg before that happens.

Have spoken to the coaches, they have more excuses than the players
Had a one hour long conversation this morning with an ex S&C coach from an AFL club, he runs camps for junior players and works for Cricket Victoria.

A boy that goes to his camps was telling him about PTC, his father asked me if this guy could quiz me on what we do.

He seemed pretty impressed, we went over numbers of what kids in different age groups get at his camps, then I told him mine.

He is coming over next week for a look. I'm pretty sure he believes me, he just wants to see for himself. He said the boy in question had clocked 3.30sec for 20m and was one of the best in all testing at his camp. His dad told him about Jesse's time and the race.

I explained I had one quicker lol, he wants to send more boys across

He was stunned when he asked what my 17 and 18yo are lifting, I guess he's never heard of that before within the groups he's been involved with.

He also seemed fascinated that the boys all train for improved athletic ability, we dont do low bar parallel squats, we press overhead as often as we bench, we dont arch and use a wide grip on bench.

I explained that even though we are active in powerlifting competition, we dont bastardize form for the sake of a few kilos if it means it wont translate to being a better athlete.

The kids dad witnessed Jesse, at 62kg, squatting well over double bodyweight for reps, high bar, close stance, so low he makes Max's squats look high.

He asked how old he was and how long he'd been lifting, I said 16 and around 5-6 months.

He passed all this on to the S&C coach.
What are the chances of you getting the whole team down for a session together? Have you brought this up with coaches at all?

Or go to the team on a training day and just spend it showing them how they should lift. If you are able to transport equipment.

There are some placement positions at the western jets for S&C at the moment, they looked interesting hopefully they would not be similar in expertise as you have witnessed.
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