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Stretch Shortening Cycle

That is assuming that these guys are using strength shortening cycles.. as opposed to stretch shortening cycles.. I remember one of SP's comments made on powerlifters.com i think where he mentioned he towered over the russians at the worlds.. maybe your genes have evolved too much making you taller than necessary..? but then look at the strong-man typical physique.. these guys are what 200cm or thereabouts and man mountains..

The Stretch Shortening Cycle that dancelot is talking about is involving the NS and tendons to produce more force and power of specific muscles. It is also discussed by Vladimir Zatsiorsky in Science and Practice of Strength Training and then was used as the basis at westside for their dynamic method..

Maybe you don't need to get shorter.. just bigger..? you're in the 120's now.. maybe move up to the supers.. but then you'll have baxter to compete against..
humour and sarcasm doesn't translate well online.

For the majority of powerlifters ( me included ), trying to figure out this strength shortening cycle is overthinking things.
I do have a copy of Science and Practice of strength training, and while it looks very pretty on my shelf of training books,
I didn't learn anything usefull from it to use in my training. I'm sure for those needing to write assignments for exercise science tafe and uni courses it's a usefull textbook.
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jaydoubleyou, I didn't post it and I have very little idea of what the stretch shortening cycle is.

From what I got from the coaches, I just need to get super tight and use the tightness to rebound out of whatever hole I got myself into.

Any more advanced than that means a truckload of Latin scientific words that I can't remember.
Any more advanced than that means a truckload of Latin scientific words that I can't remember.

It's basically the utilisation of stored elastic energy, like a rubber band.

It is the reason the first rep in a set of overhead presses is 'harder' compared to 2/3/etc - you cannot utilise the stored elastic energy in the tendons/muscles etc to assist from the hole.

If you think Science and Practice of strength training is hard going try reading Super Training by Mel siff and Yuri Verkhoshansky.. It was just lucky my biology and physics were up to scratch..
I definietly have to agree with you about over thinking things.. just SFW!

Ah sorry Dancelot! lacking coffee on a friday will ruin posts everytime.. i had you confused with austy i believe..?