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New member
Hey Guys,
Bit of a noob question again,
I am looking at buying some supplements just a bit confused on what to buy.
you have wpc and wpi now your meant to use both can i ask why?
Also just looking for a list of supplements to help me put on weight and for pre and post workout.
The only thing i am using at the moment is tribulus, omega-3 tablets, and a multi-vitamins.
Have just ran out of bsc rapid growth.

Cheers in adavance,
I don't think you need anything at this stage.

Thank God you ran out of the Rapid Growth garbage.
WPC you can take once or twice daily for extra calories.
Fish Oil is fine and you could possible take 5gms of creatine monohydrate daily.

So weight gainer stuff doesn't really work?
and whats would creatine help with shrek?
Should i keep using tribulus.
Trib is a falacy and does not work, if it does it is so minor you would hardly notice.

Just 5gms creatine per day and eat a balanced diet high in protein.
lol bloodly sales people never know to take them serious or not haha.
Thanks for the help.
Any advice on Brands and what not?
shreks on the money, check out fitnesscentral.com.au, myopure.com.au they are two i use.