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When to use gloves if ever?

I so badly want to add a smart remark but the lady that sold me my gloves told me it was not polite to be rude to others!
chalk gives you heaps more grip than gloves

When your misses starts to complain about your callused hands start moisturising, I know it sounds faggy, but it keeps the calluses soft so they dont tear and get scratchie,...and then you still get to play with the goodies!

I wasnt allowed to play with the goodies till i had sanded down the fcukers to a reasonable level as well. So out came the moisturizer.
From my observations at the gym, gloves are most appropriate when doing various curl variations and kickbacks... with 5kg dumbbells.
To each their own - I have been lifting for 12 years and still occasionally lift with gloves (moreso for pulling movements in the higher rep range, like one arm DB rows), not for protection because I have mean callouses, but rather I get sweaty palms. They definitely help me grip particularly in warm weather. Chalk is not appropriate in some commercial gyms, and you can tell they don't like it as it can leave quite a mess. When I was training from home, I used chalk and the studio looked like Tony Montana / Coke addict was training in there. Adds a nice element of raw, though.
I only use gloves when my hands start burning sore. Doing 4 x 8 on deads at the moment plus a lot cable attachment use at the moment takes its toll.
I don't wear them all the time. I do moisturise a fair bit. I don't get calluses, my skin just tears.
Insecurities much.. if you need gloves because your hands get shredded or you want better grip, wear them. Who cares.
Insecurities much.. if you need gloves because your hands get shredded or you want better grip, wear them. Who cares.

Agree totally.

Just make sure if you wear gloves that the colour matches your handbag because we wouldn't want your sweet gloves to not go with the outfit.

Gloves should only be used to wipe your vagina!
Would help me make use of my standard bars....

Chilli them callouses are like trophies!
Would help me make use of my standard bars....

Chilli them callouses are like trophies!

massive trophies for my incredible stupidity LOL

under instructions to not shake anyone's hand for at least a week. I failed the ladylike test