At 2:25 Mr. Dan Green speaks of having lack of flexibility in his shoulders, hence he holds the bar the way he does. I'd like to say that Mr. Green does
not suffer from shoulder inflexibility (based on how high I see him hold his elbows), but rather the "BOSS" lacks flexibility in his wrists. I've yet to see a bodybuilder who lacks flexibility in his shoulders, but most (yes that includes Olympic weightlifters) lack plenty of flexibility within the wrist area, and it's something that is actually remedied by front squatting the weightlifting way as opposed to the bodybuilding way.
Talking of flexibility and muscle balance, the weightlifter might be more flexible in his shoulders not because he's a weightlifter, but because (like gymnasts), it is part of the program to work on shoulder flexibility, especially to help with overcoming the Golgi tendon reflex, a reflex that would see many a weightlifter lose the snatch weight forward after exerting an all mighty effort to hoist it overhead in a second or so (again), only to lose it forward due to this human protection mechanism called the Golgi tendon reflex.
Muscle balance..., when it comes to this department, the bodybuilder has it all over the Olympic weightlifter...hands down and for obvious reason..., the bodybuilder train
all his muscles (directly), not so the weightlifter.