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Its exactly the same as the nicotine industry... Problem is this time they are winning! People are fooled and they dont know...

I reccomend this book to every single person who is interested in their health!

Noobs, I'm really considering going on that diet I showed you just to teach you a lesson...
I hate this forum!

Since coming here I've been told I should cut out all my caffein and booze. Seriously? I don't smoke and I eat a nice balanced diet of whole foods and I work out regularly. Surely that puts me in the top X% of healthy people right? But now I've got to give up my two little vices so I can remain virtuous...

I just had my morning esspresso caffein. I know I'm a complete adict. How do I know? Well, on the way too work and when I first get to my desk I feel like I'm only half awake. I keep rubbing my eyes and bumping into stuff and I desperately need a coffee. And when I do have my coffee, absolute 100% uncontrolled euphoria! I can actually feel it flowing down my throat like nectar then slowly radiating warmth out through my arms to my finger tips. I get this stupid roll-your-eyes kind of smile on my face and actually shudder with the joy of it. Warmth all over and a sense of absolute invincible euphoria. Am I an adict?

Booze is another story, but I'd be heartbroken and depressed if I had to give up my nightly glasses of wine and my weekend beers. Adiction is an ugly thing. I have depression type issues but my caffein and alcohol seem to help...

So, do I really need to cut out my booze and caffein? Not sure I have the willpower... Serious question...


Well seeing anxiety and depression go hand in hand in EVERY case, even if it is underlying it is there. And caffeine causes anxiety, and alcohol causes depression.. Then yes...

I suggest you do some reading on niacin (b3) for treating depression and alcoholism www.doctoryourself.com info on it canbe found there.

I highly suggest you read this book Mike you dont have to have anxiety or depression but to do so you have to stop doing things to your body that would cause such a state.

What you have decribed is 100% caffeine addicition and 100% adrenal fatique because of it...

Buy the book get some reading done...
started taking no-doz again to study for exams. will i die?

srs tho i know its bad but its something i have to do to stay focused. ill pay for it after.
started taking no-doz again to study for exams. will i die?

srs tho i know its bad but its something i have to do to stay focused. ill pay for it after.

Actually haz there are alot of studies that showed caffinated uni students had lower test scores during exams especially from the mid point till the end..

Im serious!

Read that book it has all the scientific proof you can ask for double blind placebo studies the works!

Caffeine doesnt help you study it decrease blood flow to the reasoning and problem solving part of the brain,but increases limbic flow.. So it decreases your problem solving ability but increases your survival skills so to speak in a false way... Why? Because of cortisol and adrenaline.. you dont need problem solving abilities/digestion/immune system when you are about to be eaten by a sabertoothed tiger!

The quote was something like "why think about finding lunch and digesting it if you are about to become it."

Seriously read it.. If you dont buy it find it as a pdf somewhere just get the infomaiton into your head so you can make a well infromed decision!

Caffeineis giving you a false sense of ability to study much like it gives the average gym goer a sense of being able to "lift more" in the short term and long run it will hinder your physical and mental performance.
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Mike, let's get something very clear here brother; you are not an addict. Caffeine is not an addictive drug but a habit forming drug and there's a huge difference between an addiction and a habit. An addiction can kill you, whilst a habit just annoys the hell out of you Sir.


Going from this i think its safe to say macgyver was not a coffe drinker... lets see him pull off something crazy after a morning cuppa
On a serious note tho, interesting info Noobs, i dont think the ocasional cuppa would do that much harm but i can understnad if its a daily habbit... maby, but as fadi pointed out its more of a lifestyle choice and a bad habbit more than an addiction... i can see where your coming from with your info but i dont see it being that difficult to change the habbit around and substitute a morning coffee with something else... my 2 cents.

I have to disagree fadi,however if the goal of your post was to empower mike then i agree with it..

Caffeine is a very addictive substance basically anything that works on dopamine and neurotransmitters is. Be it a substance or an activity...

The addiction is real but you can overcome it... I dont believe it has to "instantly" kill you for it to be classified as an addiction..

I class anything and many others do in the addiciton catagory if it makes you do something when you know it has direct implications to your health..
Thanks Fadi,

And my apologies. Probably loose usage of the word. However, at times I certainly feel adicted when I try and cut it out. If I go camping then I make sure I pack my stove top machine as I'm useless without a coffee or two a day.

I'll call it a long term habit with nasty little side effects.

My apologies.

started taking no-doz again to study for exams. will i die?

srs tho i know its bad but its something i have to do to stay focused. ill pay for it after.

I took about 10 no-doz for one of my exams at TAFE it was exciting.
I'm a fan of being healthy, but for the majority of people on here it seems like their training is for functional and practical fitness, not ultimate gains and competition.

So I think this hard line, zero tolerance approach to caffeine and alcohol is not really relevant.
Moderation is the key and the advice that should be sprouted for the people who fall in this category. Coffee and alcohol are great and can be appreciated, but don't have too many and don't have it too frequently.
Posted via Mobile Device

Im not looking at this from an athletes perspective. Im looking at it from the perspective of health and the effects of this drug on it...

Once you have all the cards its easy to play a hand.

So stack the deck in your favour and get all the infomaiton you can and base a deciison on infomation.. Not the 'everything in moderaiton' catagory... From this thinking snorting coke once a year would be ok. Somethings the moderaiton is zero.

Of course if you dont know the infomation havent read the studies or the data you are going to think that its all over the top and a load of crazy nonsense and the rantings of delusion madmen. But once you have seen the research i assure you that you will change your mind.

The leading problems in society are degenerative diseases... When you find out what causes them its best to avoid those things. Everything seems so simple and carefree now but. What about your future and the future of the human race they deserve some consideration as well..