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Funny stuff you have seen in the gym

Thats the best story in here I reckon.

I used to hit up pacific gym (RIP) at carlton in highschool 2002/2003 and there were some guys like this, not many though.

my new gym has heaps of Maoris using it. But these guys are champs. I'll come in, they have been there for an hour or two and basically finished, but they are more than happy to stay an extra hour and help me out with different exercises or to spot me.

Yeah the Bro's are great, I used to w/o in a few small town gyms in NZ and thats exactly the atmosphere. Alot of comradery and laughs.
Most Maoris who go to the gyms (at least in my experience) are huge guys who work out seriously.It`s the try hards and wannabes that are the wankers.
This huge Samoan I see sometimes is the same - he always offers to spot or give out a bit of advice but not in a know it all way.
My work schedule means i am in and out of the gym in an hour. No time for mucking around. I storm around the gym from free weights to machines...stomp stomp...lift...rest pace around...in circles often. people look at me weird. I just aint got time for your shit at all...

Except on a Sat..when i do arms and the grunting scares people off. But i have time for a chat....seriously.

Oh well.
I just aint got time for your shit at all...

No one has a problem with someone serious about working out, in fact you'll find 99% of us here are the same way.
Im incredibly strict on myself every w/o and make damn sure I up my weights by at least 2.5kg or 5kg a week on all my cores.
What is up setting is how you turn from being a serious exerciser to a serious wanker, cos you think your the only no nonsense big guy in the gym and everyone else is an annoyance and in your way.
Guys like that need to buy there own gym equipment and stay home.
That way the rest of us who can function maturely in a public place dont have to suffer "Your Shit"
Bah - don't get me wrong i'd love to have more than an hour but it is all I have. People get grumpy with me because I have been at this gym for six months and don't really say more than hi and say:

"excuse me are you still using this machine or standing around talking about some chicks number?"

And no they're towel is often not on it or they say "yeah ok sorry...." or some other smart ass shit.

Yeah I know i'm a wanker but i have to get sets in.

Maybe I should invest in my own equip
I know the type your talking about SubCom. Its like they think they own the equipment and dont give a shit about anyone else. I say if they arent using it ask them if you can, nothing wrong with that.
Bah - don't get me wrong i'd love to have more than an hour but it is all I have.

Yeah I know i'm a wanker but i have to get sets in.

Maybe I should invest in my own equip

I have limited time and work out in my 1hr lunchbreak most days as well. I use a gym in the Perth CBD that is shared with a hotel, so quite often its full of office johnnys, students and tourists.

Some people have no idea what they are doing and waste time, while others do things like sit on equipment reading a paper between sets despite the gym being busy. I'm always polite though and find that asking nicely usually gets better results if i'm waiting for a turn.

The world is full of gym going hard men who are complete wankers. I don't want to be cast as one of them

thats was a great thing you did very cool.

HAHAHHA, there's one in every gym it seems. Next time you see him you should ask how much he can bench press, then tell him you expected he could do way more then that, either that or tell him you'll spot him, LOL.
HAHAHHA, there's one in every gym it seems. Next time you see him you should ask how much he can bench press, then tell him you expected he could do way more then that, either that or tell him you'll spot him, LOL.

That guy sounds like a pussy. If it was me Id lift that ****er even if it was going to crush me (and I posted me getting crushed on youtube so im not all talk). I know that sounds dumb but pushing yourself to the extremes, feeling deaths icey grip on you throat has many rewards. Maybe only rewards the mad or retarded covert but rewards never the less.

<insert crazed war cry here>
Didn`t happen in the gym but typical of that type of wanker.
There is a guy over here , well known in a certain company for
his stories of his Kung Fu training.He was always wanking on
about it saying how his years of training have turned him into
a machine,a weapon.He was always in such a heightened state
of awareness that "No man could ever lay a finger on me".
He also said that when he sees anyone ,within a second or two,he
has them worked out - strengths,weaknesses,how would take them
down.He could even anticipate where,when and from who the punch
would come.Blind side punches?No problems.He had a sixth sense
about those as well.Groups - no dramas.
So one night there was a work party at someones house with a lot
of people and he starts again.He went on and on and on in spite
of everyone ignoring him until one guy got sick of it.
He rushed him,crash tackled him to the ground and sat him and
wouldn`t let him up for about 5 minutes.After he was let up he
went and sat by himself and didn`t say a word for a while.Then
hje suddenly got up and walked out.He never,ever, talked shit
again after that.Apparently not so long after he quit and moved on.

same sorta thing happened to me i was at a party an this lads going on about how strong he is and how much he can drink.. so i gave him an arm wrestle and smoked him to which he couldn't understand (im quite lanky) so then he starts on about 'oh its now how strong you are its how good you can fight..' it just so happened that I had 2 sets of boxing gloves in my car so i asked him if he was keen and he was.. also told me how bad he was gunna smash me.. end of storie I rolled him then later on he had passed out in his own spew in the garden.. 0 outa 3 lol
Nothing like that has ever happened to me. I hope one day it does just so I can watch. It sounds funny or at least you guys make it sound funny.

Those sort of guys multiply the wank factor by 100.
They talk shit,you call them on it,you kick their arse.
They change the rules,you call them again,they lose.
They change the rules again,you own them again.
Then they either slink back into the shadows,change
the rules again,or start making excuses."He fought
dirty/I wasn`t ready/We never did it that way back in
XXX/blah blah blah."
I am begining to think these people are in your head. I have never seen any. Unless I am one of these people and I cant tell because Im one of them OH NOES!!!!