We havent really tested the most weight Hulk.
I was once ribbing a 135kg lifter cause he couldnt do chins, and he claimed I couldnt either at 135kg. I was 95kg, so I strapped on 40kg and did a handful of deadhang overhand wide grip chins.
I really dislike the way the movement feels with weight. I'm a bit of a purist and love bodyweight chins. I know that strength pretty much rules my ideas with training, but the strict dead hang overhand chin is a thing of beauty, I hate destroyong it with weight.
For back strength, we deadlift and clean.
We use weight in the Strongman comps, thats why Max and Nina have weight hanging off them, around 15% from memory.
I am the strictest judge in the world when it comes to chins, overhand, totally relaxed dead hang starting position, way over the bar
Everyone does them the same way. I had an ass clown claim an x ammount. Didnt get half my way. Did I mention I was strict lol