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Your favourite routine

Definitely the 1970s proto-powerlifter / strongman / bodybuilder split

Squat + Legs

Bench + Chest

Deadlift + Back/biceps

Press + shoulders/triceps

This, but using PPP sets/reps
Probably 4 day/week upper lower split.

Something like:
squat heavy plus assistance
press heavy plus assistance
deadlift heavy plus assistance
chinup heavy plus assistance

And zumba on my off days.
Well in that case, why not just call everything the 4 day routine, instead of like a trillion different names to confuse the jeebus out of everyone?

Wow lookout, I just got a eureka moment. I am going to take the 4 day split, add hip thrust AMRAP after leg day and thy shall be called the Jungnaut® Radical Power Glute Orgasm Routine™.. woot