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Beginner program!!!!!??? WHAT TO DO!?!!!

Yeah that's the plan mate,

should be able to make a bit of progress in 2 months anyway
Do 3 x Full Body workouts like everyone on here is telling you

Throw in some light jogging for long periods of time (depends on your goals, if you want to get big but not get the gut with it, dont do high intense cardio as you will burn your muscle)

And keep your diet as stated. Meat, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Oats, Greens.

Keep it clean eat heaps, improve on all your lifts and youll get big, youll get strong, and youll get ripped.

My workout is

Pull Ups
Tricep Work
Bicep Work

Incline Bench
Pull Ups
BB Bicep Curls

Alternating days

Has worked wonders for me, I would throw in Standing MP if I was you, I cant do them due to injury.
Max-ot - cant go wrong! - Train for your goals...why waste your time with a beginner strength/powerlifting split.

*** Yes it will give you gains but not as much as something like Max-ot.

Be smart - eat well, train for your goals, be consistent.
This begginer shit is for powerlifting, you wont get big. Its not a bodybuilding routine. You want to get into powerlifting, then do this 3x a week routine, if you want to do bodybuilding then do a 5 day split routine and get your diet in shape you will gain muscle and strength like crazy within the first few months.

Everyone here is so misleading, all you powerlifters look like shit, Christian you look like a fat whale no offence dude you got strength, but your telling people who want to be bodybuilders to do what your doing which is wrong.

Learn to understand powerlifting between bodybuilding.

U sir are a tool.

"2 day split routine is where your lacking, have a read of the begginers thread its a 3 day split full body based on compound exercises.

Also out of interest what did your 2 day split look like? and What are you Deadlifting, Squatting and Benching."

There are plenty of people on here that have made good size gains following the beginner program for a period before moving onto other programs.
Also, if you're 6'1" and 83kg you can't be that big yourself either.
6 foot 1, actually I am 87kg now, with a split routine for bodybuilding, I dont even deadlift because of my back.

Hat3rs gone be MAD!

There is nothing wrong with a 3 x full body sessions weekly, some of the old school bodybuilders swore by those routines.

As long as your not lifting in the rep range of 1 to 4 then how can you say its a powerlifters routine when the reps are 8 to 10 per set.

Please for all of us, what is your 5 day split routine??
The old school BBuilders who were jucing and doing a 3 x full body routine would have been fine. There is not enough time if seriously tearing muscle fibers up on Monday for you to heal on Wednesday to do it all again, on gear different story. But then again, who on gear would train 3x a week it would be a waste.

Look the 3 day PTC routine has it merits, your strength does go up but its suited to powerlifting. Even then, if I wanted my big 3 lifts going up for powerlifting only id be going Monday - Squats, Wednesday - Bench/Overhead and Friday Deadlifts. Not all 3 on the same day.

My spit routine is,

Monday - Chest
Tueday - Legs/Abs
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Arms

Then what about the pre-steroid bb'ers like Reeves and Grimek who largely trained witn full-body routines?

But regardless, there is no such thing as a beginner Bb'er or beginner Pl'er, just a beginner lifter. A n00b with very little strength, size, technique or muscle activation capability. Frequent training of the major movements fixes this problem.

And finally, tall skinny lightweights such as yourself shouldn't make light of people like Christian's physique. Have you seen the size of his back or quads? No lack of muscle development there, just a different approach to dieting.

And don't even try to talk about Pl'ing routines, you're clueless.
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i lift the beginers program every second day, so 4 times a week, Ive been adding weight each week and gaing strenght and definition, Ive had no problems thus far and i feel im building a great base to work on later.

Consitancy is key.
Well I have been following max OT when I am training and have improved my bench, currently benching 95KG flat and 42.5 dumbbells incline.

Have also gained 3KGs without eating properly and drinking most weekends so can't complain

Edit: I'm now weighing 86KG.

And thanks for all the feedback guys but I'm happy with max ot and confident it produces good results. Just have to work on my diet now and stop drinking!
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Lol. staunch has to be trolling.

He is a beginner lifter himself who only started squatting a couple months ago yet has somehow unlocked all the secrets to how all beginners, bodybuilders and powerlifters should train.
Here's a recent pic:

I think I have a decent body since I eat Maccas etc for either breakfast lunch or tea most days and eat whatever all other times and go out every weekend. If I stop all that I think I will see really good results and fast just gotta find the mptivation and time since it takes so long to prepare meals everyday....
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Lol. staunch has to be trolling.

He is a beginner lifter himself who only started squatting a couple months ago yet has somehow unlocked all the secrets to how all beginners, bodybuilders and powerlifters should train.

he squats 240...