I think Gordon Tallis as the most ferocious runner of the Ball (before his Neck Surgery) and Adrian Morley as the most ferocious defender. Imagine those two standing in front of you
Ruben Wiki was great to watch, so tough and hard for a smaller Prop, but all Maori's and Islanders are hard nuts.
Thoughts @simo74 @bannedgerry @Timeah
Barrie McDermott says Moz couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. When your that tough punches make you laugh. Check out this clip about Moz, hilarious
Its hard to say who was the hardest runner of the ball considering the thousands? of 1st grade players. Run meters and counting tackles broken is only a recent phenomenon and so far its a penrith winger leading the run metres overall. How do u measure it? Probably the only way would be to conduct a survey of players in the NRL and ask them.