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Muscle Building Nutrition


New member
In this presentation I'm going to cover the basics of a sound eating plan that will support you in your achieving muscle building and fat loss goals.

Eating is a huge part of our life, everything revolves around eating in some way or another, so if you don't have a simple easy to follow nutrition program then you'll never stick with it long term and get the results you want.

To get long term results you need to have a long term eating plan. Not just some quick fix diet to get in shape in a hurry. You need an eating plan that you can be comfortable with for life.

The first thing you need to do is get in the habit of eating every 3 hours during the day. This generally works out to 6 small meals per day.

The typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner just doesn't cut it when it comes to optimal muscle building nutrition. You need to frequent feedings throughout the day to maintain a steady influx of nutrients in your system.

Try to space your meals out equally over 6 small meals during the day. This will keep your appetite under control, keep your energy levels stable, and help to prevent your from stuffing yourself and eating too much at any one particular meal.

A common mistake that a lot of novice bodybuilders make when trying to gain muscular size quickly is to force feed and stuff themselves in effort to consume more calories for growth. But rather then doing this, you are much better off adding in extra meals.

This also works in the opposite.... Some people who are trying to lose weight will only eat 1 or 2 large meals per day and then try to justify it because their overall caloric intake is still low.

But this causes poor nutrition absorbstion and triggers fat storage. Large infrequent will cause huge spikes in your insulin levels, when your insulin levels are high, your body's ability to burn fat is suppressed.

So to avoid this space your food out equally over 6 small meals per day. One every 3 hours.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2H9T9Saeow]YouTube - ‪Muscle Building Nutrition - Part 1 A‬‎[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TnPOq8XVEo]YouTube - ‪Muscle Building Nutrition - Part 1 B‬‎[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e7q1YBgiV4]YouTube - ‪Muscle Building Nutrition Program - Part 2‬‎[/ame]
It is very unfortunate that Mr. Lee Hayward has gotten several facts wrong when it comes to basic nutrition.

Example #1:

He lists potato as being a complex carbohydrate and includes it with other “complex carbohydrates” such as sweet potatoes which act in a totally different way on our bodies. I thought this “simple” and “complex” carb has been dead and buried but apparently not! Today it’s about the glycemic index as well as the glycemic load and how these two factors affect our insulin levels which play an important role in our muscle gain as well as fat gain and loss.

Example #2:

Mr. Hayward lists 3 types of fats and totally ignores the main culprit of our time which is the 4th type called Trans fat (or man made rubbish)!

Example #3:

He lists Flaxseed oil under: “Good sources of mono-unsaturated fats”! I’m asking how can flaxseed oil which is over 70% polyunsaturated fats (that is usually rancid and cancer causing) be listed with such highly mono-unsaturated fats such as olive oil?! To top the list, Mr. Hayward lists canola oil amongst such oils as olive oil. There can never be a comparison here between these two oils when canola is simply poison to our bodies. Sure it may be high in mono-unsaturated fats, but that’s where the comparison ends! I encourage Mr. Hayward (and anyone who value his/her health) to read on the origin of this nasty oil and its health consequences. You may be surprised to learn that the journey begins with canola’s name itself. There are sunflower seeds and there’s sunflower oil; there’s olives and there’s olive oil…. Is there such a thing on planet earth called canola seed? I’ll let you find the answer to that question which will incidentally lead you to where this health wrecker comes from!


I’ll leave it here and would welcome any questions on what I’ve said.

Thank you for reading.

PS: Jon, please check the information before you post it Sir. Thank you.

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Flaxseed being bad? Majority of the Polyunsaturated fats being Omega-3's....last I checked they aren't cancerous. BUT I agree in that he shouldn't of listed flax as high in monounsaturated :)
You missed Fadi's point about rancidity. If fresh it is good, the problem is it is really fresh when you purchase it at a store. When rancid (as with anything off) it is not good for you.
You missed Fadi's point about rancidity. If fresh it is good, the problem is it is really fresh when you purchase it at a store. When rancid (as with anything off) it is not good for you.

Pump your brakes here....

David; flaxseed is not a problem until you grind it.

Once ground it can become "rancid quite quickly" so it needs to be consumed very quickly.

If it's not ground down it passes straight through you and me.

Oils are ok if kept refridgerated, the seed is the best option.
Fadi was talking about Oil not seeds and a lot of the time it is either not refrigerated or improperly stored before the sale, seeds I have no problem with besides the fact that you do not get DHA and only ALA (which the body supposedly can not convert to DHA).
I wouldn't touch either flaxseed or flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil because 99.9% of the time it is rancid (due to its fatty acid structure), and flaxseeds due to taking the gold medal in having the highest amount of phytoestrogen content known to men!

in having the highest amount of phytoestrogen content known to men!

Thats a good point but I am not totally sold on the issue yet. Have you got any research article links on the subject Fadi?
I am more thinking along the lines of the effects of phytoestrogens on hormonal levels in men. I am too lazy to look it up at the moment, so I was hoping you have some papers at hand :D
Dave, I gave you a link to more than one study but if you prefer that I sum it up for you then that's not a problem brother: phytoestrogens reduce testesterone and increase estrogens!

Thanks Fadi I did not see the research article links on the site you linked to, I will have a read of it later.
I wouldn't touch either flaxseed or flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil because 99.9% of the time it is rancid (due to its fatty acid structure)


I don't really believe that seeing as whenever I go to a health food shop there is a fridge full of cold pressed unrefined flax seed oils...hardly seems like 99.9% to me.
Jim, what do you undersatnd this
there is a fridge full of cold pressed unrefined flax seed oils
to really mean?

Where did the oil you see come from? I've got mine from the source that supplies what you see and I'm doing my best to warn you and others to stay clear from such highly unstable oil since 99.99% of the time you will find it to be rancid (off). And even if it was great as in fresh and not rancid, I still would not touch it. Please do your research on the subject of not just this particular oil, but on where do oils come from and what processes they do go under before they reach the selling point.

I don't have some ulterior motive in what I say here or anywhere else for that matter and I'm not obliged to lie, hide, or hype something up since I'm in no way sponsored by anyone.

I hope to write an article soon on Flaxseed/oil as well as soy. In the meantime, I'd like it to be known that I'm not out to convince anyone of one way or the other. If you find something interesting in what I'm saying and you think it deserves some further investigation, then please do investigate. My conclusions are based on research, experience, as well as empirical data. And most importantly, my attitude has never been and will never be the my way or the highway type of an attitude. So everyone reading these words, please do as you see fit, I sincerely mean it.


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Cheers Fadi, I will do some research on the matter. I am dearly hoping flax isn't as bad you say :( I'm just wondering was it you who wrote an article on milk a while ago suggesting it was dangerous?
Cheers Fadi, I will do some research on the matter. I am dearly hoping flax isn't as bad you say :( I'm just wondering was it you who wrote an article on milk a while ago suggesting it was dangerous?

Ah you're a funny man Jim, seriously your comment above made me laugh, I like it. Brother if you find that flax is bad then drop it, I just hope you find what I did and not the articles written by people who have a motive other than the truth.

No Jim, I never wrote an article on milk but yes it was me who gave out the warning on milk. Milk today is not what it used to be Jim; however the closest to nature you're going to get from your local supermarket is the 1L carton of full cream unhomogenised /pasteurised organic milk.

Jim, do you like butter? While we at it, what fats do you actually like and what fats are you actually having?

Yes I do like butter, but it is pretty much never in my diet these days. Most of my fats come from peanut butter (natural), fish oil, mixed nuts and the occasional avocado. I also get fats from milk and steak and so on...
p.s whats different about milk today?
The cows are grain fed instead of grass fed (or grains are added on top of their grass feeding) if they ever get it. That changes some crucial factors within the milk like omega 3 fat for example which you would have gotten drinking full cream milk but not anymore. In addition to the omega 3, grass fed cows have up to 5 times more CLA than grain fed cow. What is CLA and is it good for bodybuilders? Check this out Jim: Bodybuilding.com - CLA: Conjugated Linoleic Acid Research. - Mike Hajoway

I asked you about butter because it's a wonder food and we here in Australia have grass grazing cows that give top notch milk from which this particular butter is made out of. Check it out here:True Organic || Organic Dairy, Organic Milk, Organic Butter, Organic Cheese You'll find it in Woolies.

just wondering Fadi what alternatives do you give for Flaxseed Oil. At the moment i just chuck in some olive oil in my shake?

And the best milk would be non-homogenised, pasteurised , organic(?) milk?
