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When did I say that??

Again reading something, not understanding what is written and then filling the blanks in your brain in with something you just made up in your head.

All I have ever said is that I prefer eating stuff and filling my daily calories with foods that taste better.

Oates taste like shit, might as well have a bowl of lawn clippings why would I fill my limited allowable daily calories with something I dislike the taste of?

I never debated if they are good or bad, certainly never said they are shit, we feed them to our horse, we have taken him to three shows and he came home with a swag of ribbons and trophies from each one, so they must be good for horses, does not mean I have to like them or eat them.

You need to read and understand what is actually written rather that scan over it and then make something up that was never said.

Now listen here kunt :D

A quick peruse of your post brings up these little pearlers in the Carbs thread:

Well as you would (should) know there are no essential carbs, we need protein and we need fat, once you have consumed your daily requirements in those essentials you can then supplement with horse feed if you like, but personally I prefer more tasty options.

I must be getting enough fibre, I don't have any problems with my bowels, pretty sure vegetables, and salads contain fibre.

I don't need to fill up on horse feed to get fibre.

Who said anything about restricting carbs??

Like I said from the beginning, eat your requirements in protein and fat then you are free to use the rest of your calories in carbs if you feel the need, it's a pretty basic concept, do anything else and you will either get fat or miss out on gains in your training, no other options really exist.

Some people like to add horse feed into their diet to achieve this I prefer more tasty options.

If you think there is another option please explain it to me.

As the above posts show you "ain't no fan of Oats" Biggy Mickey.

And please be nicer when referring to Oats in future, Oats have feelings too you know :(
Big Mick's horse walks into a bar and says to the barman, "A can of whiskas thanks"
And the barman says, "Sorry, we don't serve pet food here"
Now listen here kunt :D

A quick peruse of your post brings up these little pearlers in the Carbs thread:

As the above posts show you "ain't no fan of Oats" Biggy Mickey.

And please be nicer when referring to Oats in future, Oats have feelings too you know :(

You are still struggling, where in those quotes did I say that oats are shit??

I simply said I prefer more tasty foods, never debated or questioned their possible nutritional value.
Gonna go against the grain here (heh)

Oats for the win

Easy to eat a shaker full on your way to work, at the traffic lights.. Chuck some honey in there

They're about 10-15% protein

Only downside for me is the gas. And shotgun shits
The gas...hehe. can relate.

love my oats. easy AF, tasty when prepped right, make training for 2 hours easy. :P
Gonna go against the grain here (heh)

Oats for the win

Easy to eat a shaker full on your way to work, at the traffic lights.. Chuck some honey in there

They're about 10-15% protein

Only downside for me is the gas. And shotgun shits

The farts are amazing.

Also sometimes I poo, 3 times a day.
Yeah, it works better than metamucil man. I don't get gas from it thoe which is a blessing.

I love how it provides hours of sustained energy, smooth as. Unlike bread which seems to fizzle out after an hour and I start to feel hungry again.
Yeah, it works better than metamucil man. I don't get gas from it thoe which is a blessing.

I love how it provides hours of sustained energy, smooth as. Unlike bread which seems to fizzle out after an hour and I start to feel hungry again.

Edzacery jung, all this though would depend on how active we are, in a less active lifestyle or sedentary work environment I think that oats would not be prudent.
Another GREAT thread. Good stuff kunce. This better than the Milk thread, I can't stop laughing.

I've given up on Oats and Oates. But if you're on a "Build" Oats and Eggs whites Rich Piana Style.
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