nice opener. what about things like genetics, free redicals, aging? any data on sugar, sleep ? personally i think its mostly bullshit. its correlation not causation. pure statistical bullshit.
they go on to name a number of factorsThe exact cause of atherosclerosis isn't known. However, studies show that atherosclerosis is a slow, complex disease that may start in childhood. It develops faster as you age.
are they the cause? they dont know for certain.
- Smoking
- High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood
- High blood pressure
- High amounts of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes
so how does atherosrosis and athrosclerosi occur? I know you wanna know, hell I wanna know.
google it kunce. this it what you will get ..."According to experts, atherosclerosis begins with damage to the endothelium caused by high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol. That damage leads to the formation of plaque. When bad cholesterol, or LDL, crosses the damaged endothelium, the cholesterol enters the wall of the artery.
and you know what. That's bullshit, the mechanisms that cause these conditions are unknown, this shit they tell you are risk factors, not the cause.
here it is form the national heart lung and blood institute in America.
I was on the run and edited it heavily read it again for me, then decideanyone can google bro, your supposed to put it in your own words, like ones people here will understand, like anything in life, you can't just copy and past and think thats cool... grrr
do i have to bring out the plagerism and you don't understand it untill you truely describe it in your own langauge? guess i just did, sorry...
I was on the run and edited it heavily read it again for me, then decide
if you have it your fucked !!and what about COPD?
which bit ? i can expand .its respectable, i agree whats written but. the subject matter still gets me rancy without explaining more...