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Yes and no mate.

Testosterone already gives a massive increase in IGF-1 levels even at low doses. MK677 causes lethargy in many users, and i know of several people that simply can't function during the day on MK677 and they had to stop its use completely. Some even tried fairly strong stims to counteract the lethargy and still the MK made them tired. Others reduce the MK dose down to about 10-15mg ed and they say this reduces side effects but still gives positive effects.

The need to HTFU.

Not everyone has superior or even average genetics, and these people will very likely benefit from supps/drugs which is why they take them.
Well I’ve done a cycle of test 250 with deca 250 a fair while ago now and I didnt mind the results. I’ve also done one with just sus 250.

My first cycle with sus was at 1.5ml 2 times a week

My second was test 250 and deca 250 1.25 ml of each 2 times a week.

This time if I do it though I was thinking of maybe even adding tren to the stack. If I were to do it what would yous recommend measurements to be?

Atm I’m currently taking mk677 at night time along with a gh booster that yous recommended in one of the other threads I started about a month or so ago..
Just stay on 250mg of testosterone and don't stop taking it
It's a marathon, not a sprint
Don't screw up your body and wallet just for a few kg extra glycogen
250mg of testosterone year round will give an incredible physique, even with terrible genetics, as long as diet and training is good
Just stay on 250mg of testosterone and don't stop taking it
It's a marathon, not a sprint
Don't screw up your body and wallet just for a few kg extra glycogen
250mg of testosterone year round will give an incredible physique, even with terrible genetics, as long as diet and training is good

Is Arturo Corello you!?
So you mean to take 1 ml a week consistently for a entire year with no break ?

Its an option, and i'd say running a low dose of test year round would be healthier and easier going on your body than doing say for example a ten week blast followed by ten weeks off, then rinse and repeat all year round.

With 250mg test pw your not going to throw your body way out of wack. Your estrogen won't be too high, neither will your prolactin, i may as well keep going....your bp won't be high either, your cholesterol and rbc won't be high. These are all short and long term side effects of AAS. Even your sleep won't get effected which often happens with higher doses. Your mood will be more stable as well and you won't sweat as much.
Basically what cum shot says
If you're going to use testosterone then use it for the rest of your life, or until you no longer care about lifting :)