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I saw this earlier today
Why do we need to remember that he's a Republican, I don't think it matters

Because Arnold a Republican criticising Trump a Republican carries more weight. If it were a Democrat, people like yourself would fob it off as Political tribalism.

Have you changed your opinion of Trump now Darkoz. Realised what a Narcissist at best and Sociopath at worst he is? Or are you still "go Donald"?
In a Democracy , everyone is free to express their views, political or otherwise and should be free to do so without ridicule by those who have a different view pont.
In a Democracy , everyone is free to express their views, political or otherwise and should be free to do so without ridicule by those who have a different view pont.

Are you claiming victimhood status for yourself or for Trump?

On the morning of the Capitol Hill riots Trump, his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and Donald Trump Jr., all had spoken before the riot at a rally, where they made false claims that Joe Biden won the presidential election through ballot fraud.

Trump made instructions to his supporters to take back Government by force. Rudy Giuliani stated "let's have trial by combat" and Donald Trump Jnr made comments of "go to total War". Within a few hours Trump supporters rioted at Capitol Hill.

I think you claiming victimhood status for either yourself or Trump shows the character or lack thereof of yourself and of Trump supporters in general.

Arnold is 100% right.
Cheers cheese
American Indians wearing redskin logos but with Caucasian instead of “redskin”

Strange times with great un-certainty facing each of us... we don't know what's
coming... but it behooves us to be ready... and being serious about your training is one way to stay sharp...im a serious guy about mine.

why would one listen to a homosexual prostitute that had an affair with his maid ffs.
True lies...

and so it goes

but Trump I don’t necessarily like the man, his choice of women or dress and such, but he’s a dude that want to defend his country and it’s constitutional rights.

America is fucked and long before Trump got in, China is gaining momentum it is a scary future...