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Hi everyone. I’m wanting some advice.

I’m looking for a stack that’s short but effective. I only have until the 22nd of February. So exactly 80 days to buy my stack and finish the cycle including my last chance to have a pct tablet. I’m wanting to get a lean bulk from it. . If I placed my order I should be able to have it maybe in a couple of days. If I was to take nolvadex or arimidex or something similar throughout the cycle would I not have to wait 2 weeks at the end of the cycle to then start taking it?

But I’m open to advice. As I said I don’t have long so if there is a better stack someone can suggest please do. This will be my 4th cycle
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Long esters are out of the question for you buddy as you need at least 6 weeks to get back to normal plus i would add an extra 2 weeks just in case you run into complications and/or you don't recover as quickly as you plan.

If you want to inject then i strongly suggest short esters for 5 weeks then shortly after jump into pct, easy and quick.

Otherwise do an oral only cycle for 4 - 5 weeks and then start pct. For dbol only start your pct 48 hours after your last dose and for anadrol start your pct 72 hours after your last dose. Use Nolva/Clomid for pct in the regular 4 week pct routine. don't bother with hcg especially with a short oral only cycle.

If you use nolva/adex on cycle you still need to run a full pct in the regular pct routine, you can't escape this.

As for doses dbol at 50-60mg ed should be enough for your 4th cycle. Play it by ear day by day. Dbol/anadrol draws water up instantly after the first dose so you will start gaining instantly with dbol/anadrol.

If using Drol i'd start with 50mg ed, possibly increasing to 75mg ed. Stay away from higher doses as you will get the typical drol sides otherwise. Chances are even on 50-75mg drol ed you will still get sides.
Thanks for the reply mate. You have gave me some good things to think about in what direction I will go. I was really hoping to get some testosterone aswell in it but looks like you don’t recommend that. If I was to go test prop, with dbol and tren. Would that not be wise? And also are you meaning to have Clomid aswell Nolva at the same time?

I’ve never tried oral but I’d be willing to. I’ve just heard better results with injections.

And would you stack anadrol with dbol together?
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Thanks for the reply mate. You have gave me some good things to think about in what direction I will go. I was really hoping to get some testosterone aswell in it but looks like you don’t recommend that. If I was to go test prop, with dbol and tren. Would that not be wise? And also are you meaning to have Clomid aswell Nolva at the same time?

I’ve never tried oral but I’d be willing to. I’ve just heard better results with injections.

And would you stack anadrol with dbol together?

Your welcome.

I definitely recommend Testosterone, though with such a short cycle you could go without it if you had to.

You can run Prop/Ace/Dbol if you want sure. If your looking for more size i would run Prop/NPP/Dbol, its also an easier going cycle when you take the Tren away.

Yes Nolva and Clomid at the same time.

I love oral, you don't know what your missing out on:cool:

Yes injects are better than orals for many reasons, though orals still pack their punch.

You can stack drol and dbol together however its not recommended for many reasons.........
Haha I just realised how I wrote my message. Defs not a newbie to getting head haha.

And ok then so aslong as it’s tren acetate I can stack with that then?

And what is npp in the stack you mentioned mate? (Edit: I just looked at the site I get it from and I see they normally have nandrol Npp, but they have sold out ?

Thanks for all the info
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Also If I was to do the test prop, npp, and dbol stack for 6 weeks. Would I still do the pct with Clomid and nolva 48hours after my last injection and pill.

If I’m eating rite should I be able to keep most of my gains at the end of the 6 weeks minus the fluid retention
Haha I just realised how I wrote my message. Defs not a newbie to getting head haha.

And ok then so aslong as it’s tren acetate I can stack with that then?

And what is npp in the stack you mentioned mate? (Edit: I just looked at the site I get it from and I see they normally have nandrol Npp, but they have sold out ?

Thanks for all the info

Good to hear your getting sucked off, thats what i like to hear:cool: I hope its by a woman though;)

You can use Tren sure, have you used it before?

NPP is quick acting Deca, in the same way the Prop is quick acting Test.

Your welcome.
Also If I was to do the test prop, npp, and dbol stack for 6 weeks. Would I still do the pct with Clomid and nolva 48hours after my last injection and pill.

If I’m eating rite should I be able to keep most of my gains at the end of the 6 weeks minus the fluid retention

There is so much conflicting evidence/views/opinions etc etc about what is the best time to start your pct. Here is why its conflicting: Every person metabolises not only steroid hormones but other drugs as well at different rates so it would be foolish of me to give you an exact start date when i don't have your entire genetic structure listed up in front of me to work with.

For short esters that you have mentioned, people are starting pct anytime between day 2 and 7 after their last shot. Starting at day 2 is really pushing it and i would recommend for most people to start from day 4 onwards as the Propionate Ester will take at least 4 days to clear from the body, though i would put my money on it taking at least 1 to 2 weeks. If you are unsure and i know you are then i would play it by ear and see how you feel. The longer you can put the pct off the better, and a full 7 days would be great if you can manage it.

You should keep quite a bit of your gains, hopefully you do. Just keep training, eating and sleeping. Obviously you will loose a bit, thats inevitable. All you can do is try to minimise the losses. If you have HGH, this is great for when coming off the gear as it will keep your body in an anabolic state which will help you hold onto all the muscle you have gained on cycle.
Haha yes definitely from a chick. Cannot stand the thought same gender sexual acts ewww. Haha

Ok then, yeah I’ve done teen before and I really liked it hey. But I’ve been doing some reading up and the test prop, npp and dbol you suggested seems pretty good. So I’ve messaged the stockist of the products and npp should be instock the start of next week he said so I’m thinking I’ll do that. With any luck I will have just enough time to do the 4 weeks pct aswell if it does get instock.

Would 100mg of test prop
100mg of npp
3 x a week for the 6 weeks

Combined with the 50mg Dbol each day be a good dosage? Or would I need to increase the test and prop
Haha yes definitely from a chick. Cannot stand the thought same gender sexual acts ewww. Haha

Ok then, yeah I’ve done teen before and I really liked it hey. But I’ve been doing some reading up and the test prop, npp and dbol you suggested seems pretty good. So I’ve messaged the stockist of the products and npp should be instock the start of next week he said so I’m thinking I’ll do that. With any luck I will have just enough time to do the 4 weeks pct aswell if it does get instock.

Would 100mg of test prop
100mg of npp
3 x a week for the 6 weeks

Combined with the 50mg Dbol each day be a good dosage? Or would I need to increase the test and prop

Yes homosexuality is disgusting to say the least.

I've done teens before as well, their nice and tight. How young have you gone?

Prop/NPP/Dbol is a sweet and easy going bulking cycle, you'll pack on mass with that cycle instantly.

What you said about doses is fine, though we usually keep it at 100mg eod so every 2 days for consistency.

As for Dbol 30-50mg ed is fine. Or you can skip the Dbol and increase the Prop and NPP to 150mg each eod. You will blow up more with the Dbol option, the only downside is more sides.

Good Luck!
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Yes homosexuality is disgusting to say the least.

I've done teens before as well, their nice and tight. How young have you gone?

Prop/NPP/Dbol is a sweet and easy going bulking cycle, you'll pack on mass with that cycle instantly.

What you said about doses is fine, though we usually keep it at 100mg eod so every 2 days for consistency.

As for Dbol 30-50mg ed is fine. Or you can skip the Dbol and increase the Prop and NPP to 150mg each eod. You will blow up more with the Dbol option, the only downside is more sides.

Good Luck!

I’m actually very excited to try this short cycle now. I was originally thinking it wouldn’t be worth while and effective but now I’m telling myself that it’ll be a good experience regardless as I’ve never done fast acting ones. So I’ll keep you updated mate.

I seen a video last night about pct and the fella was talking about 2 options.

The old school way of clomid and nolva for 3-4 week and then it taking a further 3 months for natural test to become normal again.

The second option he mentioned was having hcg for 3-4 week@ 1000-1500iu each week alongside with a once a week dose of arimidex @ 0.50mg
But he reckons that it speeds the recovery up so that everything is normal again within this 3-4 week period.

This just seemed hugely different outcomes. What are your thoughts on this mate?

This is thelink

I’m actually very excited to try this short cycle now. I was originally thinking it wouldn’t be worth while and effective but now I’m telling myself that it’ll be a good experience regardless as I’ve never done fast acting ones. So I’ll keep you updated mate.

I seen a video last night about pct and the fella was talking about 2 options.

The old school way of clomid and nolva for 3-4 week and then it taking a further 3 months for natural test to become normal again.

The second option he mentioned was having hcg for 3-4 week@ 1000-1500iu each week alongside with a once a week dose of arimidex @ 0.50mg
But he reckons that it speeds the recovery up so that everything is normal again within this 3-4 week period.

This just seemed hugely different outcomes. What are your thoughts on this mate?

This is thelink


You will get better results from short esters than you will from long esters, they hit receptors harder as well.

I watched that video and some things he says are correct and others aren't.

If you want to get into HCG there are several ways you can run it. Firstly you can pin up to 5000iu of HCG at the 14 days mark and usually this will kick start your natural test after this one shot alone. I have heard of people doing this then going to bed and waking up the next day with balls the size of watermelons. You would then use Adex or or Asin at a low dose and play it by ear, and if needed shoot say 1000iu HCG again 4-5 days later.

What he says in the video about using 1000-1500iu HCG pw for 6 weeks is too low a dose and for too long a period. I found that 1000iu eod for 3 consecutive shots got my balls up and running again, but like i said above if you really want them back super quick then just shoot an entire 5000iu HCG along with say 0.5mg Adex and if this kicks in the bass then your gtg. However after a few days to a week you may get sluggish again and require more HCG at a lower dose like 1000iu e3-6 days for 1-3 weeks and then you can stop the HCG altogether. His method in the video would be so slow that your balls will take 2-3 weeks to actually start up again, why wait that long?
You will get better results from short esters than you will from long esters, they hit receptors harder as well.

I watched that video and some things he says are correct and others aren't.

If you want to get into HCG there are several ways you can run it. Firstly you can pin up to 5000iu of HCG at the 14 days mark and usually this will kick start your natural test after this one shot alone. I have heard of people doing this then going to bed and waking up the next day with balls the size of watermelons. You would then use Adex or or Asin at a low dose and play it by ear, and if needed shoot say 1000iu HCG again 4-5 days later.

What he says in the video about using 1000-1500iu HCG pw for 6 weeks is too low a dose and for too long a period. I found that 1000iu eod for 3 consecutive shots got my balls up and running again, but like i said above if you really want them back super quick then just shoot an entire 5000iu HCG along with say 0.5mg Adex and if this kicks in the bass then your gtg. However after a few days to a week you may get sluggish again and require more HCG at a lower dose like 1000iu e3-6 days for 1-3 weeks and then you can stop the HCG altogether. His method in the video would be so slow that your balls will take 2-3 weeks to actually start up again, why wait that long?

Ok then. I’m glad you have been reply with answers to my questions mate. You seem to know your stuff. I’ve decided to just stick with the clomid and nolvadex you suggested though. I have another question though ?

If was to take HGH with this stack what amount would you recommend to take with it. And is there anything else you would recommend to take with it aswell. I’ve heard insulin is good for it. But in what type and way. Thanks mate
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Ok then. I’m glad you have been reply with answers to my questions mate. You seem to know your stuff. I’ve decided to just stick with the clomid and nolvadex you suggested though. I have another question though ?

If was to take HGH with this stack what amount would you recommend to take with it. And is there anything else you would recommend to take with it aswell. I’ve heard insulin is good for it. But in what type and way. Thanks mate

No worries.

I only use low doses of HGH as thats all i need and all i want to tolerate. For most other people however, i would recommend 4-5iu ed and thats it. You can try 2iu ed and see how you find that and if thats enough then stick to that. Just beware that HGH also will give you sides such as increased BP, this is what effects me the most and thus i run lower doses.

You could add Slin as well, however adding HGH is enough mate. I'd keep Slin for later, thats if you even need it. Once you start using slin you enter a different realm, with both positives and negatives. However if you really must use slin then start on a tiny 4iu pre-workout and have 40g quick acting carbs on hand preferably in liquid form and also another 40g of the same thing for a couple of hours later just in case you need it. Chances are you may not even feel 4iu, so if you don't then next workout try 6iu and then increase your simple carbs to 60g x 2(one serve around injection time and another serve a couple of hours later if needed). Once again if you don't feel 6iu then increase it to 8iu and follow the same iu to simple carb ratio i have used. You can keep increasing the slin, but just do it very slowly and play it by ear. If you feel it working etc then great, that means your in the zone and there is no need to keep increasing the dose. Also remember that the more you increase the dose = the more chance you have of dying, don't ever forget this fact. Many BBers have died from Slin, its extremely easy to do and can catch even advanced users off guard. You could be caught in a traffic jam in your car shortly after you've pinned a massive Slin shot, if you don't have carbs, YOUR FUCKED!! Always plan ahead and have at least 3 times the amount of simple carbs you would need on hand, just in case you get caught out in a bad situation.

The Slin equation for beginners is 1iu = 10g simple carbs. As you get more advanced you can cut the carbs back and fine tune it so your borderline hypo but still with it enough to function. Definitely don't try this when your new to Slin.
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It worked but i didn't go hard on it, just tried it for about a month on and off.

It really needs to be stacked with both HGH and AAS in order to reap its benefits without putting on excess bodyfat.